2025: A New Beginning (EP1)

2025: A New Beginning (EP1)

Welcome to the new dawn, fellow lights. Pun intended.

For the last few years, you’ve known me, Don Spectacularis, as a different voice, a different expression.

Today is the day when it all changes.

For the next three years of your time – 2025, 2026 and 2027 – are the very years that you’ve desperately awaited and begged for your entire life. The years of mass exposures and mass transformations, revelations and changeovers, Galactics and Gaia.

These are the very times and moments that you came here for.

You came here to not only destroy the old (which you’ve all done well, well done); but to steward in the new, and then, finally, to build the new. You can see it as three phases then, namely: destruction, ushering, and creation.

During the (now concluded) destruction phase, your primary job was to speak your truth and be your truth. To stand your ground, against all odds. To be a fighter for peace, as paradoxical as that may even sound. That phase has now (majorly) concluded for us all. For it is your very efforts to rise above all control and destruction agendas that have brought us all here today, and inspired countless generations to follow suit, which they eventually will (and you will be there to witness it firsthand).

Now, this most certainly doesn’t mean that you’ll never ever have to do any of those things anymore; but that they most definitely won’t be your primary calling going forward, not for the majority of you reading this in any case. Not unless you’ve been very specifically tasked with a whistleblower-type or similar role, basically. For we are all now way past that portion of our lives. For indeed has the light emerged victorious against all (illusory) “odds”, and indeed have we transitioned into the higher frequencies that have long beckoned us.

What now, you wonder?

Now, we enter into the second phase of our collective planetary ascension. The transitory phase; the one wherein we are the ushers and the stewards of all new energies. The one wherein our primary job will be one of holding SPACE, of holding our heads high, and our frequencies, higher.

For this is indeed the time when the vast majority of humanity will be thrown into chaos and resistance (to change); and in fear, anger, and all other related/relevant lower vibratory energies. And these will well be reflected in the earth and the skies above with equal magnitude, for as above, so below (and vice versa); and this you already know.

Not if we can help it.

For the good news here, ladies and gentlemen, is that we are all creator Gods in the FLESH. With FULL RIGHTS to determine our FOCUS, and, as a result, our (vibratory) FREQUENCY.

It is without question our very greatest POWER as CREATOR beings. And – if left unutilized – our very greatest WEAKNESS as VICTIM beings.

Which is why your first and foremost task during this phase, is to hold your OWN energies high. To (surprisingly easily) counter and (quite effortlessly!) overpower the lower energies (and fears, anger etc.) being radiated out by the rest of the human collective. To maintain your joy and your peace, your harmony and your love, your balance and your inspiration, and above all, your relentless HOPE for the birthing of a magnificent new world; against all “odds” that (foolishly) stand in your way.

For indeed are you the very stewards and stewardesses that are here to help birth Nova Gaia, aka, the New Earth.

I came across this very beautiful channelling on YouTube by the one known as Wendy Kennedy yesterday, and what she basically said was something along the lines of (and I’m paraphrasing here): “As long as you focus (your attention) on the old and the crumbling, you will only feed it (your energy). And what happens when you feed someone? Yep, they only get stronger and stronger and all the more stronger! So whether it is the elections or the immigration issues or the AI issues or the gender wars or what-else-have-you, the more that you FOCUS on how terrible those things are or how you are doomed and how they are going to end humanity; guess what, the more you will quite literally EXPERIENCE them in your lives and in your timeline! They’ll amplify and amplify and amplify, and at some point, will have CEMENTED themselves as a negative timeline that’s going to be quite a hell to get out of. For the CHOICE to choose a positive or a negative timeline does indeed exist in every single moment of every single day; but to reroute yourself from a negative timeline, is exactly as HARD as you might IMAGINE it as being.”

But that’s not all that she said. The most important part (and believe me when I say this, this is THE most important part here) comes right after. She said, and I’m paraphrasing yet again: “If you want to EXPERIENCE the new, you best FOCUS on the new. Take any ACTION that helps create the new. This in turn does two very specific things. One, by not giving power to the old narratives, you ACTUALLY “defeat” those trying to lead the world to ruin. Think of it like pulling out the very card that’s holding together an entire card castle. Pull it out and the old comes crashing down. Easy as that.”

“But most importantly, your intentions/visualizations and ACTIONS towards creating the new, do indeed ACTUALLY create the new! Isn’t that what YOU came here to do (and wanted to make HAPPEN), ultimately?”

The way ahead isn’t just simple and straightforward, my dear lights;

It’s pure genius.

But more importantly,

It is, indeed, the ONE AND ONLY THING that the powers-that-were do NOT want you to know.

That one big secret that they’re afraid of getting revealed THE MOST.

Yes. Quite LITERALLY what you just read above. No clickbait. Straight facts!

The very LAST THING that humanity’s enslavers want you to know is how you can use YOUR attention and YOUR focus and YOUR action to destroy EVERY LAST ONE of their plans.

Because that is INDEED, your true POWER.

So then, how exactly do we even WIELD this power?

I’m here to assist you with learning exactly that. Through a set of very specific tasks/exercises that I’ll lay out for you in the days to come. Tasks that you’ll not only enjoy learning, but also teaching all others as well. Which you very much so will (when you feel that inner calling), eventually. After all, the more (empowered people) the merrier, is it not?

And don’t worry, these tasks would be far easier (and fun!) than you think! But yes, they will indeed require genuine efforts and sincerity on your part. Also, it’s okay if you get something wrong too; you can keep on trying until you get it right, there’s no rush, really. Or you could simply jump to a newer task and come back to deal with this later! There’s no pressure, and there never ever will be.

For indeed is it your intention to assist (self and/or others) that ultimately matters THE most.

All else is but a formality. A unique growth and assistance opportunity. A daring experiment. A fulfilling experience, if you so will.

You don’t really NEED to do any of those things to be of service to the human collective, but there are only benefits (to you and the rest of the collective) should you even as much as attempt to try! Only and ONLY if such things even RESONATE with you in the first place, that is; never EVER force yourself to do a single THING!

In other words, if your inner dialogue sounds like “I NEED to do this…” or “I HAVE to do this…” or “I SHOULD be doing this…” then it’s absolutely NOT for you.

If your inner thought process (coming from your very heart/gut) goes like “I’d absolutely LOVE to do this!” or “I just can’t WAIT to do this!”; THEN, my friends, is this truly going to benefit both YOU as well as the entire PLANET at large.

Do NOT force any of this against your TRUE desires/will. Do so only and ONLY if it truly, deeply, EXCITES you.

A thumb rule (for empowered living) right here!

And now that the groundwork for the cause has been laid, let me know who’s excited to join me in hitting the most exciting, creative, fun, loving, fun-loving and fulfilling New Earth timeline by dropping a comment right below! And don’t forget to SHARE, TRANSLATE or use any other creative means that you may have of spreading the word around!

In Infinite Love and Light,
Don Spectacularis 2.0 (USB-C Compatible)