High Council of the Ascended Masters: Stay as you

The High Council of the Ascended Masters: Stay as You Are

Channel: Octavia Vasile | Source

There is no need to achieve anything, and if there is, let it be the attainment of inner peace—for deep down, this is what you truly seek.

You do not need to wander aimlessly through life, trying different paths or struggling with burdens—all such efforts are ultimately in vain.

Free yourself from these struggles, knowing they will dissolve with time, like dust in the wind.

You do not live just one life; rather, you exist in an infinite stream of moments, which together form the tapestry of your dreams.

Do not fight against life, but if you feel compelled to make an effort, let it be the effort to release your attachment to what you are not.

There is no need to become anything more. Instead, focus on shedding all that is not aligned with your true essence.

Though many are here to assist you, the change can only come from within.

View the world with the eyes of a child—full of wonder, free from judgment. After all, what is the world, if not a reflection of your own inner landscape?

Find peace within yourself, and that peace will radiate outward, illuminating every corner of your reality.