Archangel Michael via Sharon Stewart, November 30th, 2019

Archangel Michael: It’s time to act Now!
I am Archangel Michael, warrior of the kingdom of Heaven, protector of the angelic kingdom, divine motivator of the light warrior force upon your planet.
It is time. The time has come. The time has come for you to step into your power, to understand that you are powerful beings who have come to this planet to create change. You are the leading edge, the front line, you are those beings of higher dimension that are a conduit for the energies of god’s love, the energies from the galactic system of stars, and you are the ones who ground these energies in Gaia’s soil.
With such a resume as this, I ask, “What are you waiting for?” Why are you listening to those who tell you that you should wait? What you are waiting for is yourself. Every day is a day to create positive change for yourself and others. Every day is a new opportunity to create a new reality, yet you are waiting as if someone else is going to do this for you?
We are not here to rescue you. We of the divine kingdom work along with you, you are our front line on earth. You are a part of our divine Team. You are not an earthling, you are a universal who has incarnated upon earth in order to create change.
You are one of us. Many are angels, many are souls of lower frequency, however you are all here to create change. Creating change does not require your waiting for someone else to do it. It requires being open to opportunities and to act upon them.
Ask yourself, “What can I do today?” How can I change my thinking, how can I change my actions, in order to create a new world for myself and others? How can I raise my frequency?
The new earth will come when you allow it.
I am always here for you,
I remain
Archangel Michael of the highest divine kingdom