Ten spiritual truths that are not taught in schools
What would be our world today if the 10 spiritual truths in this article were taught in our schools, as well as in our official media?
How could we change the system by introducing these subjects for future generations? What would the world be like if these spiritual truths were officially recognized?
1. We humans are spiritual beings on a journey. Before we were born into this physical body, we planned a moment in time, in which we will start waking up and know how to answer the questions: ′′ Who are we and what are we doing here?" Our mother's womb was for we as a tunnel of forgetting and we knew in advance what is the biggest risk: to never remember again, in this life. We were never disconnected from our source of Light; our challenge is to help our inner pillar of Light grow, in remembrance of who we truly are.
2. Our souls never die; we will only change the vehicle. When it's time to disconnect the cord of life from our physical body, our soul rises outside the physical body. We take with us the experience of our lives, but our focus changes to a slightly different level of vibrations. We will no longer have the same physical form in a future life - and that's because our soul has no shape. Every life brings us more experience and wisdom.
3. Everything is energy vibrating at a certain frequency. All living things on Earth have consciousness - even stones and trees. Everything is connected to the ′′ tree of life ′′ or an infinite energy source. We can connect to the consciousness of trees and stones and we can even initiate conversations with them, on their private vibration frequencies. Our bodies are 90 % water and can be programmed and modeled towards a certain vibration frequency, through thoughts, sound, color, and love. The moment we understood the vibrations, then we can cure any disease or indisposition in our body by changing the vibration.
4. Our thoughts create our reality. All thoughts are energy that manifests in what we see as reality. Always, being aware of our thoughts is one of the first steps in taking responsibility for co-creating your own reality. It is a simple concept, but it requires awareness and work. If every person on Earth directed their thoughts towards peace and love, then there would be no war and no tyranny in the world. By focusing on negative thoughts, we will create a lower vibration frequency; if we focus on positive thoughts, we can increase the vibration frequency. Our reality is a manifestation of what we create through our thinking patterns.
5. We are here because we were expected here. There are several races and dimensions of beings on this planet: angels, cherubim, archangels, those from Sirius, etc. We volunteered to be here, at this point - answering the call of planet Earth, which cried for help. I came here from other galaxies, universes, and cosmos. Many came here every time there was a chance to get a ′′ golden age ", after ′′ fall ".
6. Most of us have incarnated here before, several times, in order to prepare for this life. There are souls who are here to be leaders or spiritual path guidance, but there are also souls who wished to be here, just to help raise the vibration of the human race. Many of us have more ′′ classes ′′ to graduate, to become our own masters, in the process of reincarnation.
7. We are never alone. We couldn't exist here without the help of our spiritual guides, high vibrational beings, of Light, who made pacts with us to help us in the path to ascension. These spiritual guides exist on a vibrational or dimensional level other than ours and therefore most of us cannot see them. They are always with us and waiting patiently for us to ask for their help. They respect our free will and cannot intervene if we do not ask them to. Most guidance comes from within, as an intuition, through a telepathy process; messages can also come from other people, who are a kind of ′′ intermediaries ′′ of our spiritual guides.
8. Time is an illusion We have a past and we have already been in the future. Most of our energy particles (our souls) exist in a place without time. Time is created in order to experiment and is part of a controlled experiment. Meditation is the key to returning to the place without time, where you can find all the answers.
9. Ascension does not mean going somewhere. Is a state of being, a focus towards awareness and consciousness in a higher vibrational frequency. We don't go anywhere, but simply rediscover the place we thought we were gone from. We are already what we want to be; we just need to be conscious again.
10. Love is everything Finding and reconnecting to the feeling of love is the most important thing we as humans can do. Unconditional love is the key to returning to the Source. Without love, nothing is.
If these 10 truths were known and put into practice by everyone, then all humanity could change enormously. Envy, war, enemy, hatred, selfishness... all these things could disappear in a flash, and all that would remain would be just love, peace, and spiritual peace. Wouldn't it be wonderful?
Artist: Danielle Noel