The Archangels of Light: Sirius Blue Codes
Channel: Octavia Vasile | Source
Beloved inhabitants of planet Earth, we greet you in this sacred now moment, radiating infinite love and light toward you. It brings us immense joy to connect with your hearts and share this message.
Earth has entered a new evolutionary phase, and the time has come to awaken and activate the Blue Codes within your DNA. These codes are deeply connected to Sirius, your celestial origin, as many of you arrived on Earth through the Mintaka-Sirius portals.
What does activating the Blue Codes mean?
It is an act of remembrance—honoring your Atlantean legacy, your Ancient Egyptian lineage, and your journey throughout Earth’s history, all the way back to your cosmic origins. These codes represent the reactivation of dormant DNA strands, restoring their alignment to the higher vibrational frequencies of Sirius.
This new phase in your evolution opens the veil of physical illusion, granting you access to the Akashic Records—the sacred library of universal knowledge. Here, the true story of your planet, much of which has been obscured or forgotten, lies waiting to be reclaimed. These records exist in the timeless realm, alive and accessible to those who seek them with sincerity and love.
Reactivating Your Blue Codes
To awaken your Blue Codes is to reestablish a profound, sincere connection with Sirius, the radiant blue star that guides and inspires you both on Earth and beyond. Begin with this simple yet powerful affirmation:
“I am reactivating the Blue Codes within me.”
As you say these words, allow yourself to feel their truth resonate within. Visualize a brilliant blue sphere of light emanating from the depths of your heart, expanding outward to surround your entire being. Let each luminous blue ray penetrate the density of your physical body, transmuting it into light. This visualization, when accompanied by intention, will ignite the dormant codes within you.
The Path to Lightness and Love
Remember, there is a wise and all-knowing aspect of yourself that continually guides you. Flow with its gentle whispers, for it will reveal the areas where resistance dwells. Resistance creates density—let it go and return to the boundless state of love.
The Blue Codes also connect you to the magnificent dolphins and whales, emissaries of Sirius on Earth. These highly telepathic beings carry the wisdom of the stars and call for you to reconnect with them. They are your guides on Earth, ready to share their guidance and remind you of your own innate telepathic abilities. Listen closely, for their messages are gifts from Sirius itself.
A Blessing for the Earth
As you walk your path, bless every pebble beneath your feet. Know that all is born of stardust and to stardust it shall return. In this vast and majestic cosmic dance, every fragment holds the essence of the infinite.
We hold you in deep love and await the day when Earth’s ley lines will once again shine with the luminous blue light, restoring the grand Sirius network of light across your planet. Trust in the process, for the time of reunion and remembrance is at hand.
With love eternal,
The Archangels of Light – Sirius