Dear Friends,
I have been getting sicker and sicker from mercury poisoning as time goes on and do not have the funding to have my gold crowns with mercury fillings removed, and as a result not only am I working very little but I am in daily chronic severe pain. My days consist of chronic pain and bed rest. One or two days a month are the only pain free days I have. Until I can get the mercury out of my system, my health is likely to get worse and I could even perish entirely.
In the meantime, I do not have enough income to survive. Another problem that cropped up last week was that I received a notice from the IRS that I owed $3600 in back taxes.
Meanwhile, my rent is due, I have no money for food, basic necessities or utilities. I am in need of at least $400 by July 1st to meet my basic survival needs.
Please could anyone help? I have vowed after the RV to assist humanity on this planet. My goal is to help the homeless, veterans (many of whom are homeless), homeless animals, women who need assistance with emotional trauma, children who need help both nationally and internationally, helping to bring water to third world countries who do not have basic plumbing and wells, and so much more. All of this will start after the RV funding comes in. I will also be able to get the mercury filled crowns taken out of my body and begin to heal again.
Until then I am asking for your assistance once again. I am so grateful to all of you who have helped out in the past, it is through your caring and giving that I am still alive today.
I thank you from the bottom of my heart in advance for any and all assistance you can give today.
Without your help today, I will have to sell my car and/or my computer to survive, as those are the only things I have left of value (unless the IRS takes them), and all of my work here and the site will be no longer.

custom higher self painting by Goldenlight
Any donation over $500 will receive a free custom higher self painting (free shipping within the U.S., extra shipping for international). Click here for more info on these paintings. Click here for samples; each painting is unique and different.
All my love and light to you on this day,
Goldenlight ~:~
Prayer and Affirmation for the Day
I am now experiencing total and complete well being on every level of my human and spiritual being.
I am now helping the world to experience all of this well-being as well.
All beings on earth are now experiencing total health, wellbeing, freedom, love, abundance and joy.
Our planet is now experiencing total and complete harmony, healing, wellbeing joy happiness and love.
Our entire universe is experiencing total wellbeing happiness joy and love.
All That Is, is now experiencing perfect utter complete Happiness, Joy, Freedom, Delight, Fulfillment, Oneness, Harmony, Peace, Serenity, and Love.
And so it is.
Thank you Source Creator, Angels, Ascended Masters, Dragons, Fairies, Star Families, and Ancestors.