2025 Finalizing Chapters
Greetings to You! From heart to heart in this moment we speak, I am Kejraj!
The year of 2025 will bring the finalization of chapters in many people’s lives.
In numerology 2025 is a number 9 year, and 9 is the number of completion, ending of cycles.
We must remember as always, with every ending comes a new beginning. Opportunities for further expansion and creations.
The energies you have sent out, will be returned to you, faster than before. And look for balance to be restored in your life, as you come into greater alignment with the deeper parts of your being.
You are supported by cosmic forces in every step of the way. Trust, and spread your wings of love, prepare to rise in vibration and merge with your spiritual body, entering the higher planes of existence.
This is your time to shine as the walking star that you are.