The Intergalactic Council of Nine via Galaxygirl, September 22nd, 2018

Intergalactic Councils / Council of Nine 9/22/18
Greetings, humanity. We are the intergalactic council of planetary advancements, extending our hands in greeting to you this day of the fall equinox when
We come from a place of no time, of stillness, and from this point we are blessed, fortunate to be able to observe keenly and we see you humankind as ascribing these new energies of the fall equinox quite well, and now through this transmission send an added boost of energy ‘juice’ as you may say and encourage you to claim this upgrade, this advancement of integration of the stillness point. For this is something that humanity has forgotten and we are encouraging you to remember for it is an important piece of your advancement along the ladder of the
Picture two pyramids balancing on their ascension points. Picture and feel the place between them as they balance their massive forms perfectly on the ascension points of
We are the Council of Nine, of the ascended places. Our forms may not be familiar to your earthly one but our energies are familiar are they not? Perhaps they remind you of home, and perhaps many of you are longing for that place of home again. Dears, that place of home is within you. That is why you are here now. To bring your home, your New Earth experience to precious Gaia, to aid in her healing and simultaneously that will bring about your own. Inner balance must be achieved at this time of planetary ascension. It will assist Gaia with her weather systems, with her balance point, with her pole stabilization
It is time to use your collective power of intention, of light force,