Message from the Cosmic Christ Lord Maitreya

Love Is Always The Answer Bob Fickes – Message from the Cosmic Christ Lord Maitreya – 2-21-15

February 22, 2015 by The Golden Light Channel

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By Bob Fickes,

February 22, 2015

Welcome Blessed Ones! I AM the Cosmic Christ and the Planetary Buddha. I AM Maitreya!


Your world is turning now from the old age of religion and science into the Eternal Love of the Cosmic Christ. Before Lord Jesus was incarnated, I enfolded his soul with the Light of the Cosmic Christ. This Light protected him during his most difficult times and allowed him to give Unconditional Love to everyone he met, even his enemies. I now bring this same Light of the Cosmic Christ to each of you, to protect you during your most difficult times and allow you too to offer Unconditional Love to everyone you meet.

This is the time for Peace of Earth. You are the souls who will demonstrate this Peace and Compassion in your future life. You are living in a time of preparation, gathering all the tools and wisdom you will need for your future. The doorways between the worlds are more open now than they have ever been since the time of Lemuria. Many of you were students in my Mystery School in Lemuria and felt abandoned when Lemuria and all of its Sacred Temples disappeared. Although you have not visited my Center for Healing and Compassion for a long time, I AM now announcing that the doors to my Chambers are open once again and you are all invited to attend.

This ancient school of the Mystic Arts is once again available to you. You can visit me in your dreamtime and journey through your consciousness to high above the Himalayas. You will experience my Ruby Flame and my Infinite Compassion. I will teach you the Flame of Devotion and Wisdom. Once your internal Heart Flame has been ignited with the Ruby Flame of Devotion, your path will become steady as your sacred confidence grows and expands into your daily life. I AM here now! I enfold you with the power of the Cosmic Christ and offer you the higher Wisdom of the Planetary Buddha. While you may not remember now who you really are, your Flame is already shining in the darkness. You are helping to contribute to the coming Peace on Earth.

Even as it has been foretold, the peacekeepers of this Earth will be innocent as a child and humble as a human being who knows not what they do. Through your innocence and humility, you will pave the way for many souls to enter the Kingdom of Heaven here on Earth. The angels and gods of all of Nature support you and rejoice at your presence with them. You are the gentle ones, the quiet ones who inspire others to live a life of goodness and love. Through your quiet unassuming nature, you will lead many souls to the light. Come and visit with me in your dreamtime. I AM with you always! I AM Maitreya, your future teacher and the Coming Buddha. Be patient dear ones, your time of joy has come. You are in preparation already for the great work that you will perform for your fellow humans. WE LOVE YOU! WE ENFOLD YOU WITH THE LIGHT OF THE COSMIC CHRIST! Feel our love and open your hearts. The time has come. Bless you!



Ascended Master Maitreya, whose name is derived from the Sanskrit maitri, meaning universal love, is known to Buddhists as the embodiment of loving kindness. Some believe this planetary master was Krishna, and that he inspired the life of Jesus. Maitreya is a Buddha, working diligently behind the scenes to enlighten humanity and birth the age of light.   He is the planetary Christ who overlit Jesus during his lifetime and is the head of the Great White Brotherhood. Lord Maitreya was an incarnation of Krishna. He works to enlighten humanity and bring in the new Golden Age. Lord Maitreya is the being who holds the office of the Christ-Grid frequency for our planet. This is the new grid system of higher evolution. He is the head of the Spiritual Hierachy and is often called the “Master of Masters”. He has served this position for 2500 years and is an aspect of Jesus/Sananda.