One Who Serves and Shoshanna: First Wave
Channel: James and JoAnna McConnell | Source 1 2
Master OWS
Om mani padme umaa om mani pademe umaa om mani padme umaa umma om.
Greetings to One Who Serves here and Shoshanna is here and what a wonderful message from our dear brother Saint Germain.
So we will open this up to questions now if you have them and certainly after a message such as this and your earlier discussion, we would think there would be some questions that would need to bring about some type of understanding, a further understanding here.
Would you have questions here for one who serves and Shoshanna?
Or perhaps not.
No questions.
Are you out there?
Are there people on the call here still?
We’re still here!
Master OWS
Very good.
So are there no questions here?
Very good, then we will conclude here?
I have a question.
Master OWS
So how many waves, we’re talking about waves? How many waves are we going to get? I mean, as will it be, I mean, three waves?
Master OWS
That is what has been prophesied up to this point in terms of potential and probability. We would say that is a good understanding. A third wave, you are in the first wave we will say here. Many of you are in that first wave. And you tend to go back and forth still between the third dimensional expression and fourth and fifth dimensional expression.
But you will find yourselves more and more being in that first wave as these energies continue to come in and you are able to hold these energies more and more within you, which will then raise your vibrational frequency, which then raises your consciousness. And that raises your vibrational frequency further and allows you to hold more energies and begins to crystallize those cellular structures within you and the DNA process begins to connect once again. And you then begin to be able to connect more and more with your higher-god-self and those of higher beings
that are here to assist you in any way that they can as your vibration increases. You begin to match their vibration and so on and so on and so on.
So whether there is one waves, two waves, three waves, four, five, it did, that matters not at this point. Just know that you want to be in that first wave of ascension, okay?
Shoshanna, do you have something you add here? Or a different perspective?
Master Shoshanna
Well, we could add here. May we add dear sister?
Yes, please.
Master Shoshanna
If you recall the discussion that you had today, the there is no getting into the first wave of ascension. You don’t jump in. You don’t participate. You become it.
You learn the attributes, the characteristics of the ascended being and you practice those, you see. You must become aware of those, those attributes, those characteristics of an ascended being. Study the ascended beings. See what they do. And then aspire to become that, you see. And this idea of first wave of ascension is a human, a human ideology that is made up. It’s what they call it just to describe the idea of ascension, the idea of cultivating the characteristics and attributes of an ascended being, so they call it the first wave. So when you ask, how many waves do we go through? The answer is up to you.
The answer is as many as you’d like, because this thing called the first wave of ascension is you becoming aware of who you are. You becoming the student of the ascended being. You learning to behave in that manner in practicing that behavior. Once you have those characteristics embodied, the divine part of you embodied with the human part of you, then you just keep moving and moving and moving, you see. The beings that you know as the ascended beings are still ascending, they are going through transformation after transformation after transformation after transformation.
Because the journey does not mean that you become an ascended being and that’s the end. You become an ascended being until there is a point where you rejoin the source. You become the light ray, you become that, you become ….. it’s difficult to explain, but you become integrated with the source itself, and you go back to the source as an individualized consciousness that rejoins and unifies with the source.
That is the ultimate ascension, you see. So there’s no end, there is no counting the waves. It is all a continuation of your journey, namaste.
Master OWS
Yes, and we add here, and you may have heard this before, but you have been collective as humanity. You have come from the eaters and journeyed to the stars. And you are moving now from the stars to the innermost plains of consciousness.
That is that this entire process is all about.
We are ready for next question, if there is.
One more serve and Shoshanna. Can you please explain us, what is the, the role of the physical body here, do we, when do we have to get out of our physicality in order to become more, more enlightened beings?
Master OWS
We will tell you, you are not getting out of your physicality, you are not moving out of your physical body, you are transforming your physical body. That is the difference here.
If you were to leave your physical body, then you do so through the depth process. But if you are to ascend with your physical body, you are transforming the physical body into more light elements and able to ascend in that way. Your physical body becomes much lighter and becomes much less dense than it is now as a physical form here. That is what we will tell you,
Shoshanna, do you have any …?
Master Shoshanna
Well we are not sure what the question is here. Is the question, dear sister, how, we are not sure what your question is. Can you rephrase it for us?
Yes, so we can ascended beings or, yeah, we could, can we experience ascension and still be in the physical beings that we are?
Master Shoshanna
Well, that is an interesting question, because ascended beings are ascended in all ways. So for example, ascended consciousness simply means that you are understanding of truth and wisdom and knowledge and source and beyond the physical have, have gelled into your existence, have become, you have become one with that understanding.
So ascension is all parts. Ascension is physical, mental, emotional, etheric, astral, mental, ascension encompasses all of those levels of your being, including the multi-dimensional level. So ascension is everything.
So you ask, can we become ascended in our physical bodies? The body ascends with the mental, emotional, etheric, astral, mental, playing the, the physical ascends along with that and becomes a different, like one who serves gave, a different physical, a more lightened physical and enlightened physical. What is happening in your world, why this has not been so easy, is that the physical body has been depressed.
The DNA that is part of your physical body that is retained in the etheric body has been truncated, so that the physical body cannot progress, cannot, cannot age past a certain limit, you see.
But if the physical body was ascended, then age would be limitless. You would not have to worry about that. But in your present state, and I think that is what you are referring to, in your present physical body state, you cannot ascend this body in this present state, because it has not reached its physical pinnacle, its physical perfection, we will say.
So as you move forward, the physical body gets what it needs, gets the sustenance it needs, gets the environment that it needs, becomes one with the earth, as a physical body moves forward, then consciousness moves forward, you see. So you will take your physical body in a perfected state into the ascended consciousness that you wish to have.
We hope that answers your questions, namaste.
Master OWS
Very good
Thank you.
Master OWS
Would there be further questions here?
I have a question.
Yes, I have a question.
Master OWS
Yes, we hear two here.
Go ahead.
Yes, okay, thank you.
Go ahead.
I had an experience the other day, and I, you know, I know that other people are having different experiences too, so I wanted to share this, and see what it was.
I was sitting with my mom, and my grandson was with us, and he was playing underneath the kitchen table that my mother and I were sitting at, and I looked down at, I looked under the table to check on the baby under there, and I saw this ring, like a ring you would wear on your finger, on the floor, and my mom was looking under there too, and she saw the ring, and I was like, oh, I got to get, I got to get that, because I don’t want the baby to get that, and put it in his mouth.
So I reached down to grab it, and when I went to grab it, it literally, I could see it, but it was gone. Like, I couldn’t pick it up, because it wasn’t there, but I could see it.
So my question is, is like, what was that? Because I don’t know whether it was like a bleeding through, or I don’t know, so if you could help me with that, I would appreciate it.
Master OWS
Do you recall how many times we have given about the glimpses into other dimensional realities that you will begin to experience more and more?
This is very possibly, would be one of those indications. It’s just a slight glimpse of something that is not there so much in your physical, although it appears that way in the moment, but in the next it is gone. You are getting the glimpses into other dimensional frequency. That is what we would say about this, perhaps Shoshanna has a different perspective?
Master Shoshanna
We can share here. We wish to share dear sister, may we share?
Yes, please.
Master Shoshanna
Dear sister, in the human culture, we will help you to understand this vision by asking you a question or two. In the human culture, what does a ring signify?
Hum, it can signify something never ending, it can be kind of a ring represents marriage, so bring in two things together.
Master Shoshanna
Yes, so we will ask you, when this vision was there for you and for your mother, what were your first thoughts about what you were seeing?
For me, I just, I saw it and I just didn’t want the baby to get it to hurt himself.
Master Shoshanna
Well, you were a protector in that case. Yet, you have concluded that this vision was not physical. Is that not correct?
Master Shoshanna
Yes, so you were, your first response was to protect the little one. And perhaps because that is so strong in you, as it isn’t most women that have this motherly instinct to protect, then you perhaps would miss out on the meaning of this vision.
Yet you have given us two things. You have said it is a never ending circle and it is the cultural idea of union, you see. I want you to think about that, because there were three generations represented there. There was the grandmother, the great grandmother, and the grandson. There were three generations there. And the vision represented that, represented the circle, the never ending circle of life, you see. The never ending union and oneness of life.
Does this make sense dear sister?
Yeah, that is so beautiful. Thank you so much.
Master Shoshanna
Yes, namaste dear sister, And what a great gift that you would be bestowed this beautiful vision, namaste.
Master OWS
Very good.
And the other question here.
Yes, the question was, that was true for us. Earlier in the discussion, we were saying how at some point, we start sort of framing our own thinking or thinking from more of an ascended master point of view, which is really just thinking more from an ascended consciousness point of view, which is sort of a process I’m in now.
As a framework of reference, the framework I’ve been using, and I just want to see if there’s an improvement upon this, is that I’m now starting to ask myself, well, what would love do? So I’m kind of reducing everything down to its basic components, the most basic component I should say. And to me, there’s only love and fear, at least that’s my perception of it. And so I’m referencing and kind of doing, align everything with love.
So is there a better, I guess my question is, is there a better reference? Because to me, it’s easier to just reference the source of love than any particular ascended master or any certain higher ascended consciousness way of thinking. To me, it’s easier to just align with pure love and pure Christ consciousness. So my question is, is there a better reference? Or am I kind of spot on with that?
Master OWS
We would say here there is certainly no better reference that you can come up with here. For love is the ultimate.
Love is the great central source of all life, all beingness across the entire universe. So if you are focused on only love, then there can be none of the opposite of that, known of the duality, which of course, as you have said here, would be fear. So if you are able to focus completely on love and be loved, then there can be nothing else but love. And then there can be nothing of the third-dimensional matrix to intercede with that love, you see?
Master OWS
Shoshanna, do you have any …?
Master Shoshanna
Of course we do.
Master OWS
Yes, very good.
We have a perspective here, may we share?
Absolutely, dear sister.
Master Shoshanna
Dear brother, we agree with One Who Serves, but we would like to go to a multi-dimensional level of this.
Master Shoshanna
Because there is a subjective understanding of love, on your planet.
There is a subjective understanding that the human has, that once you surpass that human subjective understanding by looking at truly what love is, then you can apply it, you see. We will say that when an individual, and we are not saying this is you, but when an individual says, well, we will ask ourselves what would love do as just like the bracelet, what would Jesus do? what would love do? The first thing that we think of is what does that mean to you? What is your definition of love, you see? Because you are applying a subjective type of thing, on something else.
So we would ask?
Right, right.
I’m not sure I have a definition. I actually think it goes beyond third-dimensional language. But I understand what you’re saying. As far as love from a third-dimensional perspective, that’s not actually what I’m referring to, of course. I, to me, love is just exactly what One Who Serves said, it is the pure source of everything. It is the fabric of the very universe that was created. So when I refer to the love, I am referring to love …. Go ahead.
Master Shoshanna
Yes, but you are walking around in an avatar. You are traversing a third-dimensional construct. So for you to apply, we are; sorry we are getting complicated here. but for you to apply that type of understanding to that which is before you, you must define it.
Because you are still the avatar. You must define it for yourself. So for example, do you love a murder? Do you apply love to a rapist? Do you apply it? Because that is where you all are. You are traversing a third-dimensional construct to ascend, to have, to embody what you are saying, to bring that into your consciousness. So you must practice in this construct. You must practice that.
So do you apply love to those things that you uphoarded? Do you apply the concept of love?
Well, that is something that’s in my training, that’s kind of what I’m doing now, that is the transversing, a transversing that you were just referring to, which is, I am no longer looking at things. Yes. I do love all my brothers and sisters equally, regardless of what they have done, because they were just playing roles. So I’m trying to take, not trying, I am trying to look at things from that higher point of view. That’s the whole point of, you know, moving into an ascended consciousness.
Master Shoshanna
And that is practicing ascended consciousness. So when you hear your beautiful brothers and sisters saying, we wish for, to extinguish the life of a rapist, we wish to extinguish the life, this life or that life, or throw them in prison forever, or whatever the current third-dimensional payback is. And you say, you say, no, I will apply love to this description. Then that is an ascended consciousness.
But in this construct, practicing ascended consciousness is the most difficult thing that you will do here! And once you get that down, once you learn that, once you become that, once you embody that, you don’t have to be here anymore, you see.
Because that is the ultimate lesson, to apply that, you see. So we wanted to go a little further, because many use the platitudes, many do, you see. We don’t think you do, but there are many that will say, oh, there is only love and fear, and we will apply love to this situation, not even knowing what they are applying or what it is, you see.
So it is, you will do well to
Exactly, yes.
Master Shoshanna
Yes, and you will do well to continue to see yourself that way, because we find you on a road of ascension that is a little bit more advanced and we apologize if we have offended anyone, but you have advanced forward dear brother. We see that, and we feel that, and we know that, and you.
So to apply love, you must understand what you are applying and how you are applying it. If we may, namaste.
Master OWS
Very good.
Namaste, thank you so much.
Master Shoshanna
Yes, does this help you?
Oh, 100%, 100%.
Master Shoshanna
Yes, namaste.
Master OWS
Very good, then, we are needing to release channel, is there any more, one question? otherwise, we are ready to release.
Yes, okay, then, since you brought it up, this is ****. Then, do we make of what looks to be the righteous happenings of, you know, Trump and all the rest of them in taking down the criminals? What do we make of that inside of that whole paradigm? Because I think that’s the question we light workers do have?
Master OWS
We would say you make of it whatever you want to make of it, whatever feels right to you in any given situation. Allow for the feelings to come in. And just, just be in touch with who you are in that process at any given situation, in any given moment.
Just be in more and more in tune, we will say, with your higher consciousness.
Master Shoshanna
We wish to share.
Master OWS
Yes, please do.
Master Shoshanna
We wish to share dear sister, maybe share?
Yes, please.
Master Shoshanna
This will be difficult for some to understand, but there is no taking down. That doesn’t occur. It looks like it because you were in a third-dimensional duality, where you think there is good and evil, and good takes down evil, and evil and on and on and on. That’s what you think, because it is a duality. But that is not the truth, you see.
When you say Trump is taking down the criminals, that is not what he is doing. The criminals are surrendering to their own karma. They are coming to terms with their evil. They are coming to terms with their karma. Some of them do, some of them don’t. But the path that is prescribed to balance the scales of karma are done so long before the being is incarnated, you see. So when it looks like Trump and his others are eradicating evil, that is not what is truly happening. Those that are evil are surrendering to their soul’s path. They are surrendering to their karma, and it just looks like somebody took them down.
Master OWS
Very good.
Master Shoshanna
Does this make sense to your sister?
Well, yes, but on the other hand, then you still are left with the question, because it looks like, but what you said, and I always was, maybe you would call me, naive or everything else, but before this whole situation, I thought, okay, criminals give love, give love, let’s revamp our entire prison system, let’s begin to show them a new way, because where they are coming from is all a matter of what’s happened in their life, and what’s happened to them, and let’s try to do all of that.
And that’s what I thought. I thought there was a whole situation of things, like the true depths of deprivation. And I said, okay, that’s not the way to approach it. And I’m more like, okay, now I’m on, like, let’s put them all in jail and get them out, so that the rest of the world is safe from those folks.
So like, as to like our concrete question, like, and I get that, maybe it’s just that that can be done from love, that can be done with love in the heart, as opposed to like with hatred or…
Master Shoshanna
Well, that is assuming that you control another’s path. That is assuming that you have control of another’s path. That you send them love, and they come out of it, they suddenly turn to the light. But that is not it. We are trying to explain this. You do not control another.
Now, sending light and love to another is a beautiful thing, but they must receive it. They must be on the path of receiving it. They must be on the path of surrendering to it. And if they are not, you cannot.
If they are not receiving it, if they are not surrendering to it, you cannot make a difference, you see. Everyone, every single being, has a prescribed path. And if that means the path is dying in jail, or the path is killing another, and then making reparations for it, that is the planet you live on. That is the point, you see. So, we try to explain this, that the individual that is gone to the dark side is following a path. It is a prescribed path that they must go through to find themselves back in the light. None of us are in control of that, you see, namaste.
Master OWS
Very good. Then, we are needing to release channel here. Shoshanna, did you have a parting message?
Master Shoshanna
Well, we know it is confusing, things that are said, that you are asked to do, and you must continue to do them, as some of you have given, is apply love to the situation, apply light to the situation.
But also apply allowance to the situation, the the being that is moving in your path, that is part of your life, is a part of you, is a part of the puzzle, you see. And one must allow for their path. One cannot truncate the path of another. The other has to surrender to moving forward in their path, and it just looks like we have control of that, but we do not, namaste.
Master OWS
Very good, and we simply say, embrace the energies as they continue to fly in over this time ahead here.
Shanti, peace be with you, be the one!