FATHER MOTHER ADONAI ~ THE PROCESS OF THIS REALITY IS ABOUT TO CLOSE. “I Make A Great Call To All, To Take Advantage Of These Great Opportunities Through Mahindra The Mother”
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Beloved Emanuel and Pastor, beloved children, I greet you, I bless you, I am Father Mother Adonai as you call me, also known as Nebadon Nebadonia. I wanted to give you a short message tonight. I wanted to inform you that the process of promotion is going very well, it is moving rapidly. Everything’s very accelerated, everything’s very rushing, energies are very crunchy.
We are happy for the results we have achieved in this process of awakening, but we still require more beings. May the mass awakening of humanity be completed in full. We are always on the lookout for everything.
We see that many beings of light, are poured into their process, both of healing and activation. The source, the means to achieve it are various ways, the important thing is that they achieve. Added to that it is an internal process of each being. That each being has put that inner effort to improve, to heal, to activate, to take care of their body, their avatar, to take care their bodies.
We have noticed that there is a great interest on the part of the children of light that this goal is achieved. The work that Mahindra does has encouraged and helped that other beings also with their methods, with their procedures, always under the light and working under the same scheme, the same direction are healing and becoming activated.
It’s nice to see how every day the Crystic Awareness Web is growing, but we need more and more active beings. As Lady Nada told them, energies are increasingly favorable to help them. But they have to do it consciously, that people understand, feel, internalize, channel, and anchor that energy.
The process my children of this reality is about to close. Everything is so accelerated that the initially predicted times can be overtaken, the timelines have been raced to be able to make this great leap, this great accelerator of energy for the quantum leap, for the dimensional leap.
I feel satisfied, but I always make the call, so that everyone continues in their process, that no one neglects, that everyone continues to work from within, cleaning, cleaning everything, activating.
Mahindra Mother has given a great signal for all and all the healing and activation sessions through Emanuel and Pastora have been excellent. We see more and more being interested in these processes, wanting to heal, wanting to activate and I make a great call to all, to take advantage of these great opportunities through Mahindra, to take advantage the energies entering the planet, to work all, all in their healing, in their activation for all the energy to flow, for it to flow as it should.
Above all, take care of your bodies, the physical body, the avatar. It’s important because they’ll do the quantum leap with the same physical body, they’ll do it with that same body, with that avatar.
I tell you my beloved, that the planet breathes more peace. Although it looks the opposite, there is a lot of misinformation. Search within and understand that the planet has freed from a large negative burden that was slowing the process, thanks to all the assistance and support of all beings, of all the Galactic Command and the service of all the Brothers of this Universe, because many are not even in this system. Many come from other stellar systems to help them.
This end of the year brings a great flow of energy for everyone to take advantage of it in their Healing, in their Activation, in their activation.
I bid farewell, I am Father Mother Adonai and I thank all the children of this universe who consider my words, to come, to be healed, to be activated.
There is a lot of energy, there is a lot of dispensation from all the Stellar Brothers and all the Light Beings, their Guides, their Mentors, they are all being poured out so that much of this humanity can make the transfer to the New Earth.
I am his Father and Mother Adonai, Nebadon Nebadonia.
I bless you all.
Emanuel and Pastora – ServIUM
ERKS -12/12/2024