Message of The Day

“The Mother did not say, “Oh, now I will create…take this particular form of energy and create the stars, this particular type of energy, create the atmosphere, this type of energy, create the grass, and this very specific energy will be for human beings who do not know anything about the outer reality.” The entire purpose is for you to experience your outer reality, within and without. So, what your Halion chakra does is it brings you out to claim your heritage, not only as one of Earth but as one of the stars, of the galaxies, of the distant universes.
And let me say to you, it has been the same for your star family, that they have had this yearning and because they were further along in their evolution, they were permitted…they evolved to a place were they could use the holes for travel. Now, as long as the earthlings were stuck in the illusion of greed and separation and abandonment and hatred, they could not carry that and go traveling out to the stars; that would infect everything. You are always talking about things going viral, well, it is time for Love to go viral but it has never been time for hatred or greed to go viral. We have witnessed too much of that just on our little planet. But now you are maturing and so this opening is being made available to you to participate fully in; I think you should send this information to NASA…would they not be surprised? So, do not ignore your Halion self.” Albert Einstein
Channeled by Linda Dillon
© 2018 Council of Love, Inc.