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Beloved Emanuel and Pastora, I am the Archangel Michael, that’s how you know me. Tonight I wanted to bring you some good news, give you a quick update. The whole plan is going very well. The Light Forces have a great advantage already. We have them surrounded, we have them surrounded, they know that they no longer have any escape. This whole system, this whole process, the whole system that you had of control over humanity is falling apart, crumbling.

Soon, very soon they will no longer exist. Of course you will not see this information in the media that they direct, that they govern. But they are already surrounded, they have no escape. We have the great assistance of the great country of the north that is working on the executive side in this great mission. The entire dark elite is cornered. All audits are being performed by incarnated beings of light in service. They are being and will be exposed for all misdeeds, when the time comes.

Besides, they have to make everything look the same, we have a great advantage and a great lead to the dark forces. They want to work to instill fear in the population with a nuclear war, with plandemics. But none of that will work for them and we ask the population, all humanity to ignore it, not to let them be afraid. We always tell them, that’s the big weapon they have against humanity, the fear of them lowering the frequency and so they can parasite them, attack, and then attack them.

I tell you all to trust, because all the Commandos, all are working hard for this process that is in its grand closure. Let no one fear, everyone must be prepared, prepared internally because the outcome of this process with all the energetic potential that is entering the planet. Very important portals have been opened for the process of ascension. Several are already going during this time, several have opened. With this great lineup, a great portal for ascension has opened.

Souls are leaving, they are being given, as we have mentioned, partial rescues, partial trials. The time will come when it will be something massive. The process of contacting Big Brothers from Otherworlds, let’s call it that, is very close. And they are already sweeping the skies, they are taking strategic positions all over the planet. They are visible, many have seen them with their own eyes.

Different manifestations at the plasma level, of Ships, of Merkabas of Light. Different shapes, different expressions, Great Diving Ships enter the system. We have assistance from other universes, from other stellar systems.

The axis of the earth, as you know, is in a clear inclination. Its process is accelerating, with the entry of so much energy the planetary electromagnetic field has undergone certain alterations, certain modifications. The Commands of different star systems are working on regulating the entire anomalous situation.

We are heading for the big time. The forces of Light are giving our all to finish the complete liberation of this planet, which is the last one under the control of negative forces. We will continue to work and fight until ultimate liberation, where we will sing the great victory, where the Great Golden Age will come for this suffering humanity, for this enslaved humanity.

The chaff and the wheat will separate and we will all be living in great harmony, in great peace, connected to the universe of light and love.

Everybody get ready it’s purge time. All to be healed, to be cleansed, to be freed. Come to Mahindra Mother, who is poured into this process of purifying all humanity light on this planet.

For the rest, trust that we are working for liberation towards the outer part, towards the large part. You free yourself from within, free yourself from all negative energies, free yourself from all negative memories, from every burden that you are dragging around. This is the great work that all children of light must do, purify themselves, heal themselves, release themselves, and activate themselves.

Go with Mahindra, she reaches out to you, helps you to free yourself.

I say goodbye beloveds, moreover the planet is also going through quite critical moments in its process of rearrangement, all influenced by the torrential energy external and from within the same internal sun of the Planet, of Agartha.

Well, my beloved, I’m saying goodbye. I wanted to stop by had a long time we didn’t connect. I wanted to give you this update, I know some have already told you some of this, but trust that we are heading towards the victory of liberating this planet from all negative forces.

I am the Archangel Michael, I wrap you all in the Great Energy of Blue Light Diamond Sapphire.

Be protected, be healed, be free

Emanuel and Pastora – ServIUM

ERKS -4/03/2025

Ishtar Ashtar Adonai