Lisa Renee Report, January 1st, 2019
LISA RENEE – Time Shift Blog – Solar Body Consciousness – 1-1-19

The main Solar Body that is our visible Sun, is undergoing an evolution in that its magnetic pole is reversing, which further alters the solar ray transmissions to the Earth and to other planets in our Solar System. Planet Earth’s local Sun is a star called Sol. Our Sun is a Stargate and it is possible for certain craft to be used to go in and out of the portal to reach the outer rings of the Solar System. Recently, many neighbors in our Solar System became aware of the changes happening with our Sun, as a result of the rebirthing of the Solar Logos in the 10-11-12th dimensional layers. The 4th dimensional Solar Stargate on the earth is located in Giza, Egypt and this is the main opening into the Astral Plane which also opens further into the other Solar Gates. This stargate access is where the trajectory between the Sun, Earth and Moon are interconnected through geometric fields of instruction sets that are based on the grouping of light codes. These may appear as platonic solids, and are the building blocks of matter that arrange the blueprint layers that form into the timelines in the Universal Time Matrix. The Annunaki Hybrid Fallen Angelics had taken control of this area of the planet over 22,000 years ago, in order to gain control over the Sun and Solar Gates. As a result of recent grid wars they have lost control over the Solar Gate through the rebirthing of the Solar Logos for Earth, Tara and Gaia. The Sun is related to activating the human DNA template for spiritual ascension potentials. Each Sun and Star in the Universe are interconnected through the instruction sets of the morphogenetic fields, or plasma filaments that create the webbing that interconnects all of the stars and stellar bodies together.
This shift in the Solar body principle in our time matrix appears to alter the functions of the Ursa Major or Great Bear constellation, in which its seven main stars are sequentially merging forces with their counterparts, the seven sister stars located in the Pleiades. The resulting alchemical merge of these constellations of stars is manifesting new expressions of gender creation principle in the higher cosmic planes that change light reflection as it is broadcast into the lower densities. This merging of Solar bodies into the Galactic Core and further into the Andromedan Core, is also referred to as the Seven Sacred Suns in the One. Each of the Seven Sacred Suns have a cosmic solar principle that broadcasts a spectrum of plasma frequency waves through its ray body which is currently emanating new light codes into the planetary body.
This is vastly significant as it marks the astrological resolution of levels of the fallen angelic miasma contained in many of the karmic imprints that were in the planetary core manifestation template. This was the result of the historical timelines that are in the stellar and cellular memory record that directly relate to the NAA invasion and the moon chain entities impact upon the earth. This is similar to say that there is a clearing of the magnetic field imprints in the planetary akashic record that relates to some of the Galactic Wars that resulted in karmic cause and effect throughout the timelines, and that some of these events were carried out with the cooperation of the human race for resolving the polarity experiment. This is a cosmic convergence between the spiritual source of Solar bodies that exist within the 360 Universes, along with the local stellar bodies that interconnect with the matter world, as all of creation undergoes a new embodiment cycle, referred to as morphogenesis. Karmic patterns of what may be called cosmic evil and cosmic rage stemming from multiple planetary histories that connect to the lunar forces, moon chain entities, and black hole entities are surfacing in order to come into final resolution within the past timelines of artificial control and technological abuse.
This phase unites the Seven Sacred Suns and the Omniversal Paliadorian Solar Consciousness to reunite again through the neutron window that opens into the 360 Universes, as one interconnected Solar Consciousness body to transmit the Cosmic Spiritual Sun plasma waves of the Solar King. The Solar King, or Cosmic Christ Consciousness has rebuilt the complete triadic identity of the Solar Logos, which is the original light source field that builds the eternal Christos-Sophia Diamond Sun body or Krystallah. The Omniversal Paliadorian Solar Consciousness are also referred to as the progenitors of the many Krystic Dragon races, which are eternal light Solar bodies that shapeshift and transmigrate anywhere, and source somewhere in the God worlds that are one of the 360 Universes. Currently, most of the Dragon races from the Paliadorian Solar Consciousness that are entering our Universal system to support the Christos reclamation and Guardian Host mission, are from the Andromedan God worlds.
Additionally, a cosmic triad of energy has formed with our Sun, Pleiades and the planet Uranus to ignite the unity consciousness blueprint for the planetary logos. Uranus, as per its recent alignment to its astrological influence, is the major planetary body which transmits the qualities of the 7D Violet Ray to the Earth. When astrological alignments occur through major conjunctions between planetary and stellar bodies there are forces of alchemy that blend together, which alter frequency current and manifest new potential creations. The cosmic alignment changes the stellar architecture of how the Sun transmits the violet ray current throughout our Solar System. The violet ray is the 7D current which creates the ultraviolet magnetosphere and holds the magnetic instruction set for the planetary brain, otherwise called the planetary logos. Clearly, this is significant to the embodiment evolution directly related to expanding our personal spiritual centers, the crown chakra, third eye and pineal, heart, physical brain and the quality of our vibrational thought forms.
The Sun hides an etheric planet or orb, which during Ascension cycles, is an entrance leading to the Cosmic Spiritual Sun, which holds within itself the first principle of the emanation of the Holy Father’s Eternal Light, the Solar King. The Holy Father principle manifests within the Cosmic Spiritual Sun and is what gives light to all things in the Universe. The awakening Holy Father in the Universal Logos is heralding the reappearance of the Cosmic Christos Solar principle throughout our Solar System.
They were beyond our reach in previous timelines because of a ring–pass–not around the Solar System from the earth coordinates while travelling in the lowest density of creation. During the Ascension Cycle, now is the time the Holy Father and Solar Logos may return to activity with the earth plane to spiritually transform humanity. The release of the Solar Cross implant, the ring pass not, is tantamount to the related initiation of the planetary logos to the Solar Logos, and supports the positive future evolution of collective humanity to become spiritually free.
This new solar activity is changing the masculine principle archetypes through the alteration of the seven ray particle structure that is primarily made through the alignment of the planetary staff to the staff in the Andromedan Galaxy. This modification also directly impacts the elemental particles of matter to become less dense or more fluid. This shift is dismantling the architecture of the archontic masculine archetype, the False King of Tyranny in the planetary logos that is used to enslave humanity, which is to be replaced and eventually healed with the Christos mind, as directed by the Solar King that follows the Cosmic Sovereign Law of One.
Seven Sacred Planets
There are Seven Sacred Planets which have acted similarly as consciousness prototypes for manifesting creation, as well as supplying the raw materials, light, sound, and electrotonal code for the builders and architects of the planet earth. The Seven Sacred Planets are also comprised of living spiritual light, which circulates throughout and beyond our Solar System, while the other five planets have historically remained spiritually stagnant or dormant in their organizational principle. They have future applications which have yet to reach their evolutionary potential for the solar system. These seven planets are spiritually initiating in order to circulate the combined plasma waves of the Cosmic Spiritual Suns throughout the Solar System. These inhabited planets have human and other life forms, which exist in other timelines and dimensions that are also undergoing stages of the ascension process. One such sacred planet closely related to the earth as a sister planet enduring the ascension process in its higher dimensions, is Venus. Venus is providing to the earth body an transmission for an ascending race prototype for all twelve human tribes, from its original Mother principle. The planet Venus holds the matriarchal history of the Solar Female Christ for the angelic human race. During this phase, the hidden history of the matriarchal lines of the eternal Solar Feminine Christ principle begins to transmit its blueprint from the Holy Mother aspect, and that mother code is gradually restoring energetic balance through the corrected feminine principle which brings gender balance back to the laws of creation.
All of these twelve planetoids in our Solar System represent the total energetic body of what remains from our 5D earth in the next harmonic universe. This future earth has been called Terra or Tara and it is also deeply related to the female phantom body of Tiamat, another sister planet that exploded from a cataclysmic war. It is some of these planetary remnants that have produced traumatized and unhealed mental bodies that are the negative source of miasma and karmic superimposition that was exploited upon the 3D earth plane by the refugee races. One such quarantine architecture was installed, the Solar Cross implant was placed in the heart centers of the 4D astral body and the 8D body of the earth and humanity, generating a one way access into the 8th portal of the Orion gateway that housed the Yahweh Matrix. The spiritual stagnation of the inhabitants of multiple planets and their warring mind logos is what combined the strength of the enforcement of the Solar Cross as a dimensional blockage to stop access in and out of this quarantined system, and further limited access by any entities to go beyond the consciousness of the Solar System, unless they are embodied as Solar Consciousness. Black hole entities, moon chain beings are of the lunar consciousness groups, and they are battling to find ways to exit out of the Solar Gates and Solar quarantines, without success. The history of explosion of planetary bodies and the rampant destruction it creates upon the races involved, is why the Solar Cross quarantine was put in place on the Earth, to remove access of lunar and black hole entities beyond our Solar System. This is one reason of what formed a quarantine fence around the earth, as well as another frequency fence that is enforced by the NAA technological nets, of which they are currently retaliating with the another AI control strategy. The repeated explosion of other planets in our Universal Time Matrix is the primary reason why there have been multiple invasion histories upon the earth, these explosions weaken the integrity of the time matrix. These invasions are from many lines of the Fallen Angelic races that are based in lunar or black hole forms. As a result of the invasion histories, there is a tremendous amount of karmic imbalances to play out and resolve between several planetary logos and their race lines that exist in the Solar System.
Each of these planets, its astrological blueprint and their race lines are undergoing stages of spiritual evolution through the reabsorption of their main egoic ray that existed within its closed energy system. The main mental body ray produces a theme of consciousness experience for that race line, and the experience never evolves when the consciousness energy is consistently depleted and not organically replenished. This was the consciousness state of the lunar forces, on a one way trajectory of de-evolution towards ever increasing fragmentation. The collective race psychic impression and its ego-personality influencers begin to shift during the Solar System Initiation, plasma rays that are radiating through the Cosmic Spiritual Sun, or through the Solar Consciousness Network. At this time we have begun a Solar System Initiation as a result of the rebirth of the Solar Logos in our Universal Time Matrix, which impacts the interchain of spiritual evolution between multiple planetoid bodies and the related histories of the egoic-personality mental bodies that are attached to those planetary histories, which include the moon chains. These planets, moons and their assorted creations have collectively brought forth their egoic and grotesque astral manifestations by ignoring the natural laws and choosing to abuse technology to dominate and enslave others, many of these moon chain groups have greatly influenced humanity in the lower earth plane to believe in parasitism and blood sacrifice ideologies. The egoic remnants, the psychic debris of these planetoids and the Fallen Angelic entities associated with them, have created vast amounts of mind parasites throughout the phantom realms.
These mind parasites have come to be understood as the archon entities and their technological clones, which are manifested from these phantom bodies and are also technologically replicated in artificial intelligence in order to control and enslave humanity by the reptilians-insectoids. The archons feed on the chaos and fear generated by living light and living things, and use the energetic harvest to exist in the phantom spaces around the earth body. In order to continue to feed and survive they have largely attached themselves to the invading warring races of the NAA groups, that are embodied and disembodied. Being parasitic, they siphon energy to exist primarily from the solar bodies or the sun. One such Annunaki engineered race is the Leviathan, groups that were evicted from the wormhole in the earth body that was created as a result from the Tiamat explosion, which resulted in a phantom black hole eons ago. This field damage in the higher timeline was used by the NAA to abuse the earth collective consciousness energies through a network they have used in the Middle East called the Phoenix Grid. A showdown for the control over the Solar Gates and the Phoenix network, along with the agenda to continue to incite military invasion in the Middle East through carrying out warfare in Syria, was recently intercepted to reduce grid damage by the Guardians. These grid conflicts are in truth about gaining territorial control in close proximity to the main Solar Gate network.
(ES News- Spiritual Sun Behind the Sun, November 2013, Adapted for Current Events, Solar Logos