Sananda: Time to Get to Work

Sananda: Time to Get to Work

Channel: James McConnell | Source 1 2

I am Sananda and I come to be with you at this time and indeed these momentous changing times you are approaching right now. All of you know why these changes are happening now, and you are all anticipating these great changes. But know that it is indeed time to get to work!

What does that mean in your discussion earlier? it meant different things for different people, and that is how it must go. It is different for everyone. What does work mean? For some going to work means a drudgery job going each day to the same place over and over. That is what work means to some. To others it means to go within and find that inner knowing within self, that God consciousness within you, that is always there and find that within you and begin to manifest that outside of yourself. Perhaps yes, to open a door for another, but only that one that is ready to have that door open for them.

That is how it must go. You cannot do it for them. You cannot walk through the door for them. They have to do it and they have to be ready to do it. And as long as there is a glimmer, just a smidgen of glimmer that they are ready, you can open that door or a crack. And if they show an interest more, you can open it up a little bit further and a little bit further and so on and so on.

That is going to work. That is what is meant by this. To allow for the process to develop both within yourself and within others in their own speed. It is their journey, just as it is your journey. We cannot live that journey for you. You have to live the journey. They have to go through the journey. It just says you have gone through it. Just says you have come to the awakening point within yourselves and realizing that God consciousness within you are one in the same. Just as you have realized that, they are in the process of realizing that as well, but at their own pace, to allow them to have that pace. And whenever possible, whenever it is called for, whenever they ask for it, then it is time; yes to intervene.

You all have a mission. You have, many of you have been working in that mission, just in the process of coming together each and every Sunday for the (Ancient Awakenings) conference calls that you have, is working on your mission, because it is working on yourself, moving within yourself, again finding that God consciousness connection that has always been there, but it was blinded by the illusion that was set up in front of you.

That illusion, if you allow it, is no longer there. The veil, if you allow it, is no longer there. So be ready, my friends, my brothers and sisters, be ready. Be ready to go about your father’s mission, your higher God-self mission, which is your mission, one in the same “I and my father are one”.

Say that within yourself daily. Many times within the day, if you can, “I and my father are one”. I and my God-self are one. I am in my father. My father is in me. We are one together as God consciousness, unity consciousness together, and together all of us, all of us together, will form that unity consciousness and create the new world that is right there in front of us, right there ready for the creation to begin more and more in earnest.

I am Sananda, and I leave you now in peace and love and oneness, and that you continue to understand and know what you are here to do, why you are here for it, and what you are to do, and what comes next in the next moment, over and over moment to moment, continue to be in that moment.