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Emanuel and Pastora, I am Archangel Michael loved and today I want. I was talking to Pastora about the importance of this planetary moment. We’re in a fight of evil against good. It’s a struggle my beloveds.
Evil wants to keep taking over the planet, keep taking over souls, minds, but they can never take over the heart. The heart is an inviolable place, where the Divine Presence I Am lies no evil can enter, it is our great and powerful weapon of individual struggle of good against evil.
Evil lurks seeking to dominate the minds, and through attitudes, of the works of the minds of men, because there they control the whole neural network, through there they infiltrate and seek attack. This humanity has been heavily besieged by the forces of evil, and pardon the redundancy, but these negative forces have kept humanity captive, slave to its own thoughts, because that’s how they act. They don’t realize that when someone does wrong, they act from their mind. They induce the idea and thought to do evil.
Instead, from the inner heart of each being flows goodness, love, peace, light, forgiveness.
Beloved, that’s why we always tell you, connect to your heart, to your sacred chamber so that the most beautiful you all have flows from there, which is that sacred place, the love that remains there. We’re coming to the end of this fight, everyone doing their job.
You occupy yourself inside, in your personal work and helping the next, attending to those who are in the process of awakening. We take care of these archons, these machines that are governing the planet. We tell you, there are many clones, advanced artificial intelligence. They own a lot of technology dominating and controlling. Because that is their modus operandi, control, fear, sowing fear among the people, among the population.
But you all inwardly have the weapon that you have already pointed out, that we are taking care of onwardly, because mankind by itself cannot do it. This is a galactic agreement, the forces of good help the planets in these situations. We the Commandos, assist in these liberations when these energies, these negatives, these forces of evil take over the planets, enslave them.
This is all coming to an end. But we are entering a very critical period and we have to be very alert.
Our presence in heaven has indicated to them that we are here, that they cannot do whatever they want with this planet, because here we are their guardians, their defenders to help them. No more slavery, no more evil for this planet, the struggle must end with the victory of light.
Beloved, let no one be confused, let no one enter into fear or dread. These are decisive moments and we will fight the battle until it culminates with its complete, absolute eviction from this planet.
I say goodbye to my loved ones, this was the information I had for them this morning.
I am the Archangel Michael, all alert and connected to their hearts bringing out the best, the best version of each one.
I bless you all.
I am Miguel, Michael.
Emanuel and Pastora – ServIUM
ERKS -25/12/2024