LORD SHIVA ~ DECONSTRUCT TO BUILD. This Reality Will Soon No Longer Exist.
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The universal dance has accelerated destroying the old to helping build the new. Humans must begin to build the new always guided by the energies of the higher dimensions, of the planetary guardians, by whom they have been appointed by Father Mother Adonai to guide this humanity to the new reality that is being forewarned.
Lord Shiva continues to help to deconstruct to build the new. There I am in that sacred dance of the universe. There I am under the influences of all this great universal energy entering every corner of the planet to go deconstructing and building this new reality for the New Age that awaits them, for the Golden Age.
The Golden Age which for many is a utopia, for others is the great desire, the great illusion and the great hope of living in a reality of love, of light, never unimaginable by any of those present on this planet, in this reality.
Lord Shiva and his Universal Sacred Dance attends this planet in its new phase.
Lord Shiva bids farewell and thanks Emanuel and Pastora beloved children, this opportunity to inform you, that this reality you know will no longer exist. But it will be replaced by a new, improved, much improved, new reality and that’s where I put my greatest effort.
I am Lord Shiva.
Om Namah Shivaya,
Om Namah Shivaya.
Om Namah Shivaya.
Emanuel and Pastora – ServIUM
ERKS – 7/11/2024