What this new grid does – what this ‘upgrade’ does – is that it is anchoring the human collective as well in the energy, the values, the qualities, the existence – the new realm of existence – of seventh-dimensional reality, and that is the reality of heart consciousness, it is the reality of love, it is the reality of Jesus Sananda – and many of the ascended ones.
At Archangel Michael’s behest, Andrew shares this beautiful Channelled Gem from his personal reading with Linda on December 6, 2017.
Archangel Michael: Greetings – I am Michael, Archangel of Peace, Warrior of Love, Bringer of News. Welcome. Welcome my beloved friend, ally, brother. Welcome to this Council of Love. Welcome to this Circle of One. Welcome Home!
And I speak of peace in the unity of One. And I do not merely mean in the unity of One above as in our Source – beloved Mother/Father/One – I also speak of the unity of One as one race of Gaians, one race upon your planet, one community of lightworkers and loveholders, one community within this solar system, one community within this universe, one community within this omniverse.
The horizons of what it means to be human, of what it means to be Gaian and the anchoring of that energy in form, particularly with the new re-anchoring of new grids of humanity by my sister, Archangel Gabrielle, comes to the forefront in redefinition, expansion and, might I even say, explosion of what it means to be in human form – angel in form – at this time upon this beloved planet.
And I mean this, my dearest friend, in the very practical terms of what is possible, what can be accomplished, what can be brought forth, what is desirable, what is necessary.
Our beloved Mother has said to you and to many, time and time and time again, how you know love is through the expression and the experience of love upon this planet that is anchored very firmly – not in the fourth or the fifth or the sixth – but in the seventh-dimensional reality. Because it is anchored in the seventh-dimensional reality does not mean there is not fluidity to exist in all of the twelve dimensions available to the human experience.
But what this new grid does – what this ‘upgrade’ does – is that it is anchoring the human collective as well in the energy, the values, the qualities, the existence – the new realm of existence – of seventh-dimensional reality, and that is the reality of heart consciousness, it is the reality of love, it is the reality of Jesus Sananda – and many of the ascended ones.
In practical terms, what does this mean? It means that what you are capable of bringing forth, of co-creating with us, literally explodes. Yes, we know that we have used this term ‘expansion’ time and time and time again, and expansion in this instance does mean explosion. And I use this word not in the way it is used in the human vocabulary of war, but in the implosion/explosion of energy that catapults you forward into the truth of who you are, into the human expression and experience of who you really are, and into sacred union with all of us.
Expansion has come to be thought of as more organic, a slower process, and that is why I use the term explosion/implosion. It is to connote that the energies that are available to you to bring forth creation of what you desire in every single realm is not available, it is not coming, it is not soon – it is already anchoredwithin you and within the human collective.
So I bring great news this day! And yes, I am asking you to share this news.