One Who Serves and Shoshanna: Being in the Moment

One Who Serves and Shoshanna: Being in the Moment

Channel: James and JoAnna McConnell | Source

Om Mani Padme Hum, Om Mani Padme Hum, Om Mani Padme Hum.  Greetings, One Who Serves here.  You are here in this group and you may resonate to these words whether verbally or oratorially, however you receive this information. If you resonate to it, then we are here to assist you in this training, to move you forward, to have you thinking as St. Germain has aptly given here to find yourself living moment to moment.

And being in the moment and as we have said many times finding the joy within every moment. That is what you came here to do and to show others the way of doing so as well. For if you are able to do that then those around you, your loved ones, your acquaintances, friends, all of this, they will see this within you and they will aspire to this as well. That is how the collective consciousness is rising up and finding their full awakening more and more.

We are ready for your questions if you have them.

(Member question)

Yes, I have one. I’ve been into astrology for a number of years and you know when we’re born there’s a picture taken of the solar system and that’s where the planets are for each individual and it tells you the lessons you’ve learned from past lives and the ones you haven’t. So it goes around in a circle until you’ve learned all your lessons. Anyway, my point is I feel I’ve reached a point where I’m realizing that more and more that I create my own reality 100 % of the time. And I feel like I’m rising above the astrological influences because I have been following it almost daily, sometimes, weekly anyway. But I feel like I’m rising above the need to be influenced by outside influences because I’m realizing more and more that I create my own reality. I wish you could comment on what I just said. Thank you.

(OWS Answer and comments)
We will tell you that certainly it is all about resonance. It is all about what you resonate with and what works for you. So if you are finding that the old programming, and we will use that term here for this, it is programming. It is programming that you have brought from past lifetimes into this lifetime where you have been akin or been in many ways steered by the stars. And we will tell you that that is good for those that are still needing to be in that level of understanding and consciousness. But for you who is asking this and for any others out there as well, it is only about what you resonate to. So if it no longer finds a foothold for you as it once did, then that is good. Then move beyond it. Move to whatever next you resonate to. Whatever is next, whatever next comes along your path that you can resonate to. Okay? Shoshanna, do you have something you add here?

(Shoshanna shares)

We can share. Do you wish for us to share, dear brother? (yes. Yes, absolutely, dear sister.)

Dear brother, you have experienced an advancement in your reality, in your consciousness. Everything serves a purpose. Everything from the beginning of time to the end of time serves a purpose in one lifetime.

What we find now is that the recognition that you are the stars, you steer the stars, you create it all. And it has always been that, you see. It has always been that. Yet many do not wish for that responsibility, do not wish for that power. So they externalize the power to something else, you see. But you are the stars. You steer the stars. Namaste, dear brother.

(Member comments)

Thank you. Thank you. Yeah, I’m the captain of my ship. That’s for sure. Cheers.

(OWS Comment)

Yes. Very good. Are there other questions here?

(Member question)

I have a question.  Can you tell us a little bit about the Lionsgate portal? Also, let in some of the solar rays to trigger certain things, firstly for awakening and firstly for DNA activation.

(OWS Answer)
People tell you that the Lionsgate portal or gateway is a gateway of allowing higher energies, perhaps more syrian energies we will say here, to come into the planet. And it is all about awakening, all about coming to the next level of awakening. For you see, as these energies come in more and more across the planet, both humans and animals and plants and minerals are all awakening more and more and acclimating to these energies more and more. It’s all about the ascension of Gaia and all of those that are ready to move along in this ascension. So as these various cosmic events happen, it is all about moving to the next level of higher vibrational frequency which moves mankind and all of nature ahead in their awakening process, moving to the higher vibrational frequency of the higher fourth and fifth dimension and even beyond this. That is what we will say. Shoshanna, do you have something to add?

(Shoshanna shares)

Yes, we do. If we may dear sister. (yes) Dear sister, One must examine the name of this portal. Lionsgate, you see. There is a purpose to this name. There is a purpose of significance to that which it has been given, this name, you see. You must see what a lion is. What is a lion on your planet? What does it signify? It signifies power. It signifies respect. It signifies majesty. It is the king, you see. Do you understand this, dear sister? (Yes.)So we will tell you that this particular opening, this portal that has brought this energy to your planet, the energy of majestic respect, power, that you would take domain and command over your existence, your life, you see. That is what it is bringing to your planet, that you recognize the sovereignty of your being, that you take your place on this great earth as the kings and queens that you were meant to be. Namaste.

(OWS Comment)

Wonderful. Would there be any further questions here?

(Member question)
Yes, I have a question. Okay, so I hear lots and lots of tunes in my ears, if you will. And a lot of times it’s a repeating, you know, kind of phrase of three or four notes. And I was wondering if this has anything to do with song lines. Is this coming to me from some you know, from a higher place? Sometimes I think it might be a lower place. They’re trying to drive me crazy. So some of the tunes even resemble songs that we have that may not be so empowering. On the other hand, we could have, you know, songwriters could have usurped those kind of songs, if you will. So I don’t know where it’s coming from all the time. So I’m wondering where it comes from, if it is coming up from higher places and if it has anything to do with these things we call song lines, which I don’t fully understand anyway.

(OWS Answer)
We will ask you a question though, in order to answer this. How do you resonate to these tones as you are receiving them? Does it raise your spirits? Does it feel like it is bringing you into a higher vibrational frequency or does it lower your frequency?

(Member answer)
Well, its a combo platter, I feel like it does start to raise it, but then I remember the song and then I want to change the words to the song that’s similar to that because those words are not empowering. So then I shift the words and say it differently, you know, and send that back out there. In other terms, it doesn’t resemble anything. So, yeah, I don’t know.

(Shoshanna shares)
May we share, dear sister? (Yes please.)

Dear sister,  You are a musical being. You have brought that with you into your character in this lifetime. Is that not true? (Yes, definitely.) But dear sister, being a musical being, music is a message for you. It messages you. It guides you. It enlightens you. It moves you forward, you see. All music. And the darkness of music is meant to be transmuted to light as the light being is given this task, you see. But when you hear notes, when you hear music and phrasing, first it is attempting to message you. It is a message for you. All
compositions have messages, you see. It is your task to understand the message for you. It is for you, you see, to understand the message. If you are hearing the message as negative and you wish to change the words around and transmute it, that is the task ahead of you because that is the task ahead
for all that live on this planet to transmute, enlighten, to lift up these things. So you are simply doing with these phrases, with these musical notes, that which you have done your whole life. Transmute, uplift, move forward. Does this make sense to your sister?

(Member comments)

Yes, it does. Can I say it for instance? (Yes.) One thing coming at me.
And then my brain goes, you can’t always get what you want. And then my brain goes, you can have what you want. You can have what you want. So that’s kind of like the way the thing works.

(Shoshanna continues)

You are taking a negative and turning it into a positive.  And that is the task of all.

(Member comments)

Right. OK. So they’re really coming to me from the light then, more or less, if you will.

(Shoshanna continues)

Yes. Yes. Just nudging you. Just nudging you forward. Having you understand your own power.

(Member comments)
Awesome. doesn’t it just have anything to do with song lines? What the heck are song lines? I heard that term. Is that any kind of sound that is embedded into the earth tones or frequencies or tones?

(Shoshanna continues)

Dear sister, the entire universe is written with music. That is how it came into being, with sound. It was the word. The word was sound. The sound became music, you see. It is all of that. Does this make sense? (Yeah.  Got it. Thank you so much.)Yes. Namaste.

(OWS comments)
Are there any further questions here before?

(Member question)

I have question. Hopefully I can explain it well. Almost every night I’m waking up at 2, 3, or 4 in the morning, waking up with a lot of thoughts coming through my brain. Mostly with my past, my past life on this planet. And I don’t know if that’s just a part of my higher self trying to heal some of the past was all good experiences, they’re not negative things, or is that some kind of dark trying to keep me in the past without being in the moment? I’m wondering why I’m having all, and it’s not just me, a few of my friends are feeling the same thing, being awakened with all these thoughts going through our brains early in the morning. Could you address that, please?

(OWS Answer)

Many of course that will not share their thoughts about this, but are being, as you were saying, awakened in those early morning hours. They are being programmed, reprogrammed, we will say here, reached by their guide and their higher God self to alert or to help awaken the more full process here of moving toward the ascension here. So it is a very positive thing and we would say that when you are awakened in this manner and you have these memories coming, you know that there is a fountain being released, release of energies that are no longer needed in your life. So it is a very positive thing we would say here.

So, Shoshanna, do you have other perspective?

(Shoshanna shares)

Well, we do not have a different perspective, but we wish to share. May we share? (Of course, sister.)

Dear sister, we find that the conversations of this call were much of on the same line that you were asking your question, you see. There’s much release going on.  The past for a human is almost always bondage, is almost always binding the human from moving forward, keeping them bound to the memory, to the pain, to the frustration, to the anger, you see. That is mostly what human beings lament when they think of the past, or they are lamenting the past or discussing the past because they do not see that the present and the future holds anything for them. But here’s what you are experiencing as One Who Serves has given. You are releasing. You are releasing the anchors. You are releasing the attachments. You are being awakened to understand that the past has no sway over you.  That is what is occurring for many of you and that has been the stories that are coming to light in these conversations. So you do not have to worry. You are cleansing. You are releasing. You are moving. Namaste.


 Are there any further questions we need to release?

(Member question)
I have a quick one. As an indigo, know that in my sleep time, and I’m sure there are others that have this experience, I jump timelines. I’m in other lives with people, always people I know. And not that I know from this incarnation, but I’m like with people I’m comfortable with and, you know, family with. Is this…

Is there a purpose for this or is this like I’m just kind of hanging out and browsing or carousing around the universe and timelines?

(OWS comments)

When you say you’re jumping timelines, you’re doing this within your sleep time?

(Member comments)

Yeah, it’s in my sleep. It’s like jumping different times, right? I’m living in a different life experience during my sleep time. I remember when I wake up.

(OWS Answer)
We would tell you that you are likely experiencing this because you are done with this particular timeline in your life. You are ready to move beyond it and to let it all go. We feel you have had those conversations within yourself. I’m done with it. I want to move on. Is this correct? you felt that? (Yes, very much so.)

Very good. And we sense this within you. So it is something to allow to continue to happen and know that as it continues to happen, it will take on a different understanding within you, both in your dream state as well as in your awakening state as you move forward here. Know that you are coming to the end, coming to the end of this particular lifetime as far as your awakening process you are moving beyond the old programming and ready to awaken to more fully who you are that is what this is all about and it is prompting you in your dream state but it will come into your awakening state as well and you will feel like in your awakening state you are even jumping those timelines as well.  You will see that then more and more and will begin to see this and feel this as well.

(Member comments)

You want to know that I, I’m sorry. I know that I did not, I, I, I’ve never been fully veiled and I know that I did not want to incarnate and I had somebody confirm this, right. And then I was encouraged to, I was asked to, and I’m like, I, I just find certain things that I just I’m like, I just really don’t want to be experiencing this.

(OWS continues)

Yes. We understand this. So Shoshanna, do you have something more?

(Shoshanna shares)

We feel you have given a full answer.

(OWS continues)

Very good. Thank you. Yes. Very good. Then we need to release channel here. So Shoshanna, do you have an important message here?

(Shoshanna shares)

We can say that the most profound way of life is to live in the moment.

(OWS comments)
And we would say that you took the words right out of our proverbial mouth here. We would also say to be in the moment moving forward here, moment to moment. As we always say, find the joy within the moment. the beauty that is all around you, within you. Do not focus on the negative, do not focus on those things that are seemingly negative or seemingly going wrong. Rather focus on what is going right and what is beautiful in your world. Shanti, peace be with you. Be the one.