The Galactic Federation of Light: News of Contact

The Galactic Federation of Light: News of Contact

Channel: Octavia Vasile | Source

Greetings to each and every one of you. This time, we greet you along with members of your Lyran star family who are here with us for this transmission. We want to inform you that we are drawing nearer to you, making our ships deliberately visible at specific hours each day, in designated places.

Please remain close to your sacred spots and ancient portals, as these are the areas we visit most frequently. The high frequencies in these areas facilitate our visibility, and the growing expectation of people to see us there encourages us to make ourselves seen. If you wish to establish such an area closer to your home, please create an energy vortex to facilitate our approach. You can do this by meditating in the specific spot and tuning into our frequency. Call upon us, and we will assist you in establishing the energy vortex. Some of you may choose to work with a crystal that can maintain the vibration of the place. Listen to your intuition and create your own place for meeting us.

Some of you are now perfectly prepared to meet us physically, while others will become increasingly aware of our vibration and our motherships. There is a path for everyone. News will spread very quickly, so be sure to spread messages of love and peace, as this is precisely what we bring to you: a new reality aligned with an open heart, filled with love and enthusiasm for living the most exciting lives possible.

Are you ready? After you have created your sacred space, designate a specific area where contact will take place. You might want to place a candle, a statue, or create a piece of art that bears your vibrational signature there. Simply state, “This is the place that I am preparing now for my first contact.” Know that once you say it, you begin to crystallize that timeline. Some of you are ready to receive our telepathic messages and share them forward—please continue to do so. Your work is extremely valuable at this time. Without you, no contact can occur. We call upon all energy workers, light workers, channelers, meditators, and all good-hearted people who desire to live a life in unity and experience what they are meant to: a 5D reality.

Step forward, take initiative, and talk about us. Have the courage to break the shell, for through you, many will change their beliefs. Have the courage to write about us, to share what we say, to facilitate healing sessions, and to share our love for humanity and all the support that we bring forward. Please have the courage to make your voice heard, for you are the Prime Creators, and you are meant to bring about a new reality. We love you beyond mind and matter, space and time. We love you. We are One.

For one on one sessions

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