Archangel Raphael via Genoveva Coyle, January 13th, 2018

Use it daily to refresh yourselves, to detox and to purify your bodies… Channeled by Genoveva Coyle
Greetings my dear ones! I am Raphael, Archangel of love and light, healer and physician in this universe and beyond, in service to the Mother and to you and all that call on me.
I bring you today my emerald green elixir to remind you to drink it, to sip it throughout the day, to breath it in, it really matters not how you feel like using it, just use it on a daily basis to refresh yourselves, to detox and to purify your bodies in every moment, so that anything coming your way and which might want to stay will be dissolved and removed gracefully.
For all you here and beyond reading these messages, the pathfinders and the trailblazers, the ones traveling in the forefront, it takes a great deal of awareness and clarity to move through the chaos and mayhem and at the same time to remain poised and balanced at all times.
Whenever you travel and immerse your sweet selves into the densities of the third and lower third dimensionality you might bring back with thee some energies to transmute and eliminate. Whenever you meet some of the soul families in distress that are being directed to thee for assistance you might capture some of the distressing energies that need to be purified.
And so, you see it is in the nature of the work you have chosen that you might get inadvertently affected and contaminated and that would drag you into the lower vibration and slow you down. You might see yourselves as healers or as physicians that need to wash their hands with water or energetically clear the space between different patients, so you protect others and yourselves.
The only difference is that your “patients” are everywhere you go, at home – your children, parents, partners and spouses, at work with your clients and co-workers, and while shopping and buying your groceries – literally everywhere – even where you are traveling when dreaming, day or night, it matters not.
It has been said that if you are only love and light, that there is no darkness that can affect you. And that is true in the sense that there are none of you who would succumb to your own dark sides, for this is the only aspect of self that can affect thee, any other forces are not going to be able to find their way to you. In this new era and age, on the Nova Earth, it is not permissible and so, rest assured that this is not possible any longer. Period!
But what I am saying to thee is that there are those little and small dense energies – like the small amounts of debris leftover in your fields that can still affect you – enveloping you and having you feel out of sorts or in a less than joyful spirit. Those can and will slow you down, stalling you in your progress.
Dear and brave healers of the souls, warriors of the peace, holders of the love and light, it is the Mother’s desire that you are in joy and peace at all times. It is our wish that you have a light and pleasant journey and that you fill every moment of your day with smiles, laughter, and love for yourselves and for everyone else. Whenever you feel less than bursting into laughter and shedding tears of joy then you need to remember to take in my love emerald elixir and to call on me, for I will gladly come and restore the brightness and your peace of heart.
I am with thee always at your service, always on call.
Until next time, farewell
By Permission.
© 2018 Council of Love, Inc.
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