Saint Germain: Let’s Help Only with Balance

Saint Germain: Let’s Help Only with Balance

Channel: Vania Rodriguez | Source

Dear brothers of planet Earth! I AM SAINT GERMAIN!

I bring my Violet Flame and envelop each one who hears me at this moment.

We are approaching a great portal. A powerful portal that will bring many changes to the planet. Each of you must find your balance. It will be an intense week. A week in which you will be prepared to receive all the energy that will come with this portal.

Many will awaken. Many will be lost. And why? Because they are already becoming aware of many things, but they are still not very sure. And the Light that will come will bring this certainty.

Do not suffer from anyone’s doubts. Do not try to clear up anyone’s doubts. Help if asked. But do not help by trying to explain, by trying to tell a story, by trying to make people believe. The help will be to bring the person into balance. If you have techniques, use them to help the person. And I repeat: To bring them into balance. Nothing more.

Don’t talk. Don’t explain. Nothing. “And why not? Why can’t I explain, why can’t I talk?” Each person has their own moment; their own degree of doubt and ignorance. And you don’t know exactly what that degree is. So you could make the person lose even more than they already are. Because you are on another level.

For you, everything is very obvious, everything is very clear. But don’t forget that you have been on a path. You have been preparing for some time now. You didn’t start now. So, your way of passing on information will be excessive for someone who knows nothing. So, don’t say anything. Just say: “Everything will come to you in its own time. Have confidence that everything will come to you.”

Just as it has come to each of you. Through your search, through your heart, through your mind, it doesn’t matter. You have reached the point you are at today. And everyone who is starting this journey will have to do the same thing. It is not by you talking 24 hours a day in their ears that they will learn and understand. It takes time for them to process everything that is going to happen.

So you want to help a confused brother? Just say, “I will help you get into balance. Nothing more.” Even if he asks you to explain something, don’t explain it. Just show him the way; he should search for his doubts with his heart, so that the right answers may come to him. Don’t try to guide anyone. You are not pastors.

Each one has followed their own path. So, each one who is coming will have to find their own path, or not. Why didn’t they find it before? I assure each one of you that everyone on the planet had the same opportunity that you had. Everyone. Regardless of whether they were stellar souls or not. Everyone had it. Everyone was introduced to the truths, to the path. You chose to follow it. Many turned their backs on it.

So now they will need to go through the right path. Will it be troubled and confusing? It will be. But they will also have to find the paths to reach balance. So this is what you will be able to do: bring them to balance. Use the techniques that you have learned to bring balance, discernment, truth. This is what you can and should do.

The time has come for many of you to use everything you put in the drawer. Because the vast majority did this. They looked for techniques, they looked for ways, and they didn’t even take care of themselves. They put everything in the drawer. Just to say: “Ah, I have technique A, B, C, D.” They counted how many courses they took. But they didn’t even apply it to themselves.

So now the time will come for each one of us to do our part. The time will come for you to give vent to the energy you have received, the technique you have learned. No, you don’t need to act on all of them, choose the one that most appeals to your heart. And it will be the gathering of all the others. Because, deep down, they are all Light. So, everything that comes out of your hands is Light. It doesn’t matter what type of Light it is. Focus on one and you will be acting on all of them.

The time has come, my brothers, for you to truly be what you keep shouting: Pillars of Light. Pillars show the Light. They do not impose it. They do not force it. They are simply Light. Those who have to find the way are those around them. So, be a balance for many. Be that safe point for them to recalibrate and balance themselves. That’s all. Nothing more. Don’t be anything more.

Don’t think you are superior and that you can tell stories and put knowledge into the minds of others. Be careful! As I said before, you may confuse more than you help. Whoever wants to know, must follow the path. You will not show the way. You will only say: “Whatever you desire with all your heart, you will find.”

Each person who arrives has a master, or masters. And it will be the Master and the Higher Self who will take care of showing him the way. Not you. Because he may just need a little push. And in that push, he may be much further ahead than you. There are many like that on the planet, who just need that little push, to effectively remember who they are and what they came here to do. And they are much further ahead than you.

Make no mistake. Just be points of balance. What does a Beacon of Light do at sea? It shows the land. It shows a point where a person can stop and find shelter and refuge there. That is what you need to be. Bring balance to your brothers. Nothing more.

Keep your mouths shut. Keep your opinions quiet. Keep your beliefs hidden. Be just points of balance. That is what each of you should be. Let each one create his or her own path. Don’t try to do things with the other. Stop trying to rely on the other for everything. Be individuals. Souls ready to work, without needing help from the other. Do you have any doubts? Ask your Higher Self. “Ah, but not me, I still can’t get this contact.” If at this point in your journey, you still don’t have this contact… and I am speaking to the old ones, not the new ones; I would say that you have walked the wrong path. Because those who have walked the right path have achieved this contact. And it has always been said that it would be important. What to do now? Search for it with all your love and you will find it.

So, my brothers, this is the great message. Be ready for times of great movement. Many will come, eager for information, eager for understanding. Just say: “Seek the way with your heart and you will find it. Your heart is ready to help you.” That is all you must respond to.