Message of The Day

“My message to you is that you are the void. You are the nothingness and you are the air. You are the Source and you are the One.
I know there is much fascination upon earth and elsewhere, believe me, about personality. It is not so much getting beyond personality as embracing and understanding that it is simply a manifestation that you choose, a way in which you delight in putting yourself forward in the spectrum of humanity known as space and time, a way in which you experience each other. That is why you take form, it is to be spirit in form. But why, what for? To experience each other.
There will be corrections of understandings on many levels on this human place: this issue of salvation, of heaven and hell, good and evil. It is simply energy being directed the way you are choosing. So the question I ask of you is, “how do you choose?” For you are orchestrating this. You are taking the molecules and the atoms, and you are playing with them, allowing them to dance in front of you in various forms. But that play is not the whole of who you are.
So, do you choose not to be, to eliminate yourself, or do you choose to expand into the One? It is the choice beyond choice and it is in the embracing of your own being that you embrace whole.” The Buddha
Channeled by Linda Dillon
© 2018 Council of Love, Inc.