This IS officially the greatest show in the universe.
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The transformation of Earth and humanity has become the greatest show in the universe. A spectacular event that is captivating countless star families from various corners of the cosmos.
The Divine Throne has issued a message to humanity that Divine disclosure will happen in January. Proceeding this historical event, will be the arrests of people conspiring against humanity and basically, the galaxy and beyond. So keep an eye out for disappearing people, which will include these dark workers, and as well there are people taken to the spaceships, rescued from areas of major earth changes. Dark media may continue to spin stories, that try to perpetuate a satanic communistic world government. Make no mistake there is a Divine World Government establishing now. Things will smoother when humanity is informed of these matters. We are coming out of a silent war, and it’s not quite over, but the Light are taking their steps to remove all dark control of planet earth.
We have been through much, and it is understandable to be weary of this planet, but let’s create MORE space in our lives, for the GOD stuff.
This is after all God’s planet… and he’s not going to let it be destroyed via nuclear war or any other means.
So while there’s guaranteed to be much turbulence in 2025, don’t be fooled that the Light are not also rising to the potential to TIP THE SCALES on the planet, via DIVINE WORLD GOVERNMENT.
Trust that the galactics and company of Heaven, have the technology to make swift BEAUTIFUL changes to our lives.
You are loved and cherished for playing a role in the greatest reality show of the universe.
Don’t begrudge your life. You are a chosen one. Chosen by your soul and God, to be here.
We know the world is a stage… and the universe is a reflection of our Creator… sooooo, what now, now that the stage is being set for a whole new reality and way of being.
At some point, if you choose to raise your frequency, you WILL experience a QUANTUM SHIFT, into 5D earth, where everything glows, as it is very colourful, in fact, there are new colours to be seen by the eyes of the new 5D human.
Now all this sounds good… but I want to stress, that we are in the last days of this reality, and there’s not much time left to hold onto old energies. The quantum leap can only be made through purification at the very least… which can be challenging when the world around you, doesn’t really support that, at all, and would prefer to just let the dark forces continue to keep life comfy… but the slaves of earth are soon to find themselves without their slave handlers, and the circus shows. With Divine World Government are galactic representatives, company of heaven reps., angels, spirit beings and others. For the most part they exist in a realm beyond our perception, but that is quickly changing. There’s lots going on eh?
Don’t give up, if you are suddenly in a situation where you are SUDDENLY WITHOUT WARNING, put into a very grave or challenging series of situations. Remember, you are a soul pretending to be human, who is also ascending into a higher version of yourself. This isn’t something you will accomplish if you are distracted and living in doubt and despair, hanging onto what doesn’t even exist.
Trust that a new financial system of the light is here, in place, and I’m pretty sure there will be less delays if humanity informs itself of these matters.
While I predict life is about to scare the shit of a lot of humanity and many will soon die, just remember, that you are not being punished by God… you are chosen by God. Chosen to challenging yourself to the core, and chosen to integrate the Light, beamed to earth… light from the sun, that has our names written on the sun rays… this incredible time we are in has been meticulously planned… just like a demolition… and the rebuilding… all planned. Trust the Divine plan… participate in it and take an active role and don’t wait around to be asked to help. If you can’t see that you help is needed in all sorts of ways, you are not paying attention. If you integrate that Light, you will be energized and have incredible amounts of energy to do all sorts of wonderful things for our Creator, mother earth, and the victory of Light on planet earth.
This IS officially the greatest show in the universe.