You Are No Longer in 3D

You Are No Longer in 3D

Greetings! From heart to heart in this moment we speak, I am Kejraj!

The world is no longer in the Third Dimension. You are in the Fourth.

Have you noticed that you did not ‘die’ to transcend the Third? The change is subtle, yes, and it is still taking place.

In prior times, you had to ‘die’ in order to enter the Fourth Dimension, or the Astral plane.

You also do not see all the demonic entities. They are there. However, you are on different timelines of the Fourth Dimension. And your perception is still expanding, such as your Third Eye, and your spiritual eyes, together with the High Heart.

Acute observation is needed in order to notice the change in the appearance of the Fourth from the Third Dimension.

You are to continue rising in vibration, because this is not your octave or destination, at least for those who are aware of ascension, and for those who choose love.

You are to enter the Fifth Dimension. And again, the transition will be seamless. The scenery on the other hand, will be entirely different. For it will be a reality designed with pure divine light, reflecting the Higher Self of Earth, and your extrasensory abilities fully activated.

All the light to You!