Universal Mother via Galaxygirl, September 26th, 2018

Universal Mother 9/26/2018
I am the Mother, the Universal Mother of all things. I see you
I am the Mother, the Universal Mother of all things. Feel my heart leap in rhythm with your own. Feel my breath on your skin, my warm embrace. Know that you are loved and comforted, at peace should you so choose it. My arms are open children. I see you expanding moment by moment embracing the beauty of the in-between-space where you currently are residing as you push through the dimensions like taffy. Dimensions can pull and tug around you based on your current vibrational experience. Such is true for timelines. Best be prudent, be wary – careful, with your vibrations for what you give out you attract.
I am the Mother the Universal Mother of all things. I see every tree, every flower. I know the elementals tending to each. I swim in the waters, the rivers. I am within the breath of all things. My breath is your breath, children. We are creating this life story together, you are our feet on the ground delivering the message of love once again to the Earth. Gaia has been so wounded and her need for healing has been heard far and wide across time and space. Her healing is being extended from us through your open hands. The animal kingdom is in great need of your healing, children. Many of you are sending your healing prowess into Gaia. Extend it also to her kingdoms such that the energetics of the kingdoms upon her may be restored, rebalanced.
I am the Mother, the Universal Mother of all things. I see you