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Golden Age Messages from the Mastersthrough the founders of the Ascended Masters Mystery School Launching Your AscensionJune ~ Part 1 Now is the time to observe the levels of consciousness that are presently abiding within your physical, mental and emotional bodies to see if each one is fully prepared to support your soul’s ascension. We are here to encourage you to exercise all of your loving, light-filled capacities to review the energies within each of these bodies to make sure that they are fully prepared for “lift off.” Just as your NASA engineers on Earth must make a very thorough and comprehensive check of every system before any rockets are launched, this is now being asked of each of you. ~ The Ascended Masters overseeing your Ascension |
Your physical body does not actually need to go anywhere to ascend, yet the part of your mind that oversees the physical part of your being does need to be fully prepared to shift into the 5th dimension. This is akin to doing whatever is necessary to launch a rocket. These checks have been devised to guarantee that each of the many facets involved in a launching are fully safe and operational. These extensive system checks are also used for monitoring the ongoing life signs of each of the astronauts before and during their travels through space. The rocket itself is also continually monitored to determine that it is mechanically and electronically ready for launch and you have technicians numbering in the hundreds to insure that nothing is left to chance, and when all systems are “go” and at just the right moment, the director of the launch presses a button which starts a chain reaction designed to “tell” the rocket it is safe to launch. The systems monitoring both the astronauts and the rocket must all be in complete sync with one another for this to take place. As you quietly prepare day by day for your ascension, or lift off, into the 5th dimension, there is a great team of ascended masters, cosmic beings and angels who are all there to monitor and assist you in your launch. This is taking place during all the hours of the day and night to insure that your lift-off will be fully safe and spiritually timely. These dedicated beings are also continually monitoring the quality of the Sacred Rays within each of your spiritual centers to make sure that you are fully prepared to ascend. These “technicans” are also monitoring how sincerely you have forgiven yourself and others for any “hard” feelings that may still be recorded within your consciousness, primarily as a result of some form of trauma. When you have completely forgiven and let go of your past, you and your guides will get a green light, and the primary director of your ascension will quietly nod, signaling that you are fully prepared to move into the 5th dimension. You will still choose to assist others in their ascension process, yet you will be doing this as one who is truly already free. |
If you have chosen to ascend in this lifetime, then you also chose to do whatever was necessary to complete all the facets of your soul contract. You most probably know that all events in your past have simply been designed to assist you in your mastery. Each one has provided you with rich opportunities for spiritual growth that may not have been otherwise possible. You are perhaps even now realizing that nothing in your past experiences could have truly hurt you in any way since your True Self (your Divine Presence) is eternal, even though at the time, you may have thought otherwise. Your Ascended Master Sponsors are with you through all of your learning experiences and we know that every event from your past was something you set up before coming into incarnation as a learning experience. As the ascended observers of your soul, we are now very delighted that you are seeing through the veils of your past in preparation for your alignment with your new or parallel 5th dimension unlimited Earth. For indeed, you are realizing the truth behind your past:
The question to ask yourself now is: How can I bring all of my thoughts and feelings as well as my body’s health into such a state of alignment with my Presence that I am truly ready for liftoff. This diligent vigilance is how you become an ever more active and loving participant in your own ascension and how you will remain in harmony with the check-list for your “lift-off.” |
Classes Offered:Ascension Coaching Certification TrainingA 3-Month Online Program To learn more about the other Courses and Teachers Trainings, go to: www. |
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