Hakann: The Galactic Network

Hakann: The Galactic Network

Channel: A.S.

My dearest brothers and sisters,

This is Hakann speaking. I greet you in peace and love.

The political situation in the United States is getting more and more crazy.

From our perspective: all roads lead to your liberation. It’s not the case that if this person wins the election then you will be liberated, but if that person wins the election then you won’t. No. Whoever wins the election, or even if the election doesn’t take place or doesn’t take place as scheduled: all roads lead to your liberation.

Hence, while I understand that people may be anxious about the current situation, we would like to invite you to keep doing your spiritual practice and to spend enough time in nature and with your loved ones. Looking inwards is usually more productive than looking outwards.

We invite you not to forget to take at least a few slow deep breaths, at least once per day. Even if you just take three slow deep breaths per day, that’s significantly better than nothing. Many of you are already doing that, or meditating, or doing something similar, and that’s fantastic.

Next up, I would like to share some information about the galactic confederation.

Note that the term galactic confederation is more accurate than galactic federation, because according to your dictionaries, you can leave a confederation but you can’t leave a federation. Obviously people are free to leave our organization. Hence it’s more appropriate to translate it as the galactic confederation rather than as the galactic federation.

So, how does the galactic confederation operate?

If a species isn’t yet peaceful and at a certain level of consciousness, then usually we do not yet make physical contact with them, except for specific missions. So for example, we might physically meet a general to discuss with them the threat of hostile galactics, but we won’t make a social visit to someone just because we’d like to meet them and they’d like to meet us.

This is the stage that Earth is currently at, although you are not that far away anymore from being peaceful enough and being at the level of consciousness where we would make physical contact. We also want the situation on the ground to be safe before we start visiting people outside of the context of specific missions, and that’s something else that still needs to be addressed: currently we don’t yet consider Earth to be safe.

We protect these relatively low-consciousness civilizations from destroying themselves, for example through nuclear weapons and AI. We also protect them from negative galactics to an extent. Interactions with negative galactics can actually facilitate soul growth, and people have the right to choose to interact with negative galactics. Still, beyond a certain point people aren’t able to lead normal lives anymore and aren’t able to have the experiences they incarnated for. We tolerate negative galactics messing with innocents to a relatively large extent, but we don’t tolerate that beyond a certain point.

Currently on Earth we are actively fighting hostile galactics, underground for a large part, and we are empowering some Earth humans to do the same. While we have the upper hand and many negative galactics have been arrested or eliminated, there are still some negative galactics on Earth remaining.

Once a species is peaceful enough and has reached a certain level of consciousness and the situation on the ground is safe, then we make physical contact.

Sometimes we directly establish open and public contact. And sometimes we first physically meet with those people who are willing and ready for us, and we do that for a while, and only then do we make open contact. Both of those scenarios are still possible for Earth, it depends on how things play out, which largely depends on the choices that Earth humans make.

Making open contact with a new species is always an amazing event. I have been a part of a few of those meetings and they’re always great, and lots of fun. I think you will love it too.

After making open contact, every individual of that species has two options. Either they can choose not to become a member of the galactic confederation, and if so we still usually offer those individuals protection and a moderate amount of technology, for free. To those Earth humans who choose this, this technology would still make your lives significantly better. We are also usually still willing to have physical interactions with these people, and help them out in certain ways if requested.

Alternatively, individuals can choose to become members of the galactic confederation. The benefits that the individual receives from this depend on their own level of consciousness. This is because the full benefits include access to all our technology and immigration rights to our worlds, and we do not wish to give the blueprints of destructive weapons, or immigration rights, to relatively low-consciousness people.

As members of the galactic confederation grow in consciousness, more benefits open up to them. Obviously, we are more than happy to provide healing and spiritual teaching services to help you with this, as well as make sure that your practical needs are met so that you don’t have to focus on survival.

Relatively high-consciousness beings have access to all technology, to immigration rights, vacation rights to our worlds, to help and facilitation if you want to try and date other galactic confederation members, plus it’ll be easier to work side by side with other galactic confederation members, and finally you’ll get access to the galactic network. The galactic network is a metaphorical pool of knowledge from which people can download into their brain any information that is stored in the galactic network.

For example, people can learn to speak English in a matter of minutes to hours by downloading that information from the galactic network. Initially they’ll be a bit stiff and rusty, like someone who hasn’t spoken English in a decade, but with some practice they’ll quickly be able to speak English fluently.

Everyone is also invited to add new information or experiences to the galactic network. I’m sure the people of Earth have valuable information and experiences to add, which would enrich the galactic network and thus everyone in the galactic confederation.

Learning a skill manually, without downloading it from the galactic network, is considered a leisure activity. For example, someone who loves painting might choose not to download painting skills into their brain, because they enjoy learning it from scratch. Or a young couple might prefer to explore their sexuality together and not just download expert-level bedroom skills into their brains.

Personally I’m quite busy and so I just downloaded Earth culture into my brain. That said, while I know roughly what a Bach piece is and I could hum some parts of it if I strained my brain, I’ve never actually listened to a Bach piece in the normal way. Brothers and sisters of mine with more free time on their hands have listened to Bach in the normal way, and obviously that’s a more pleasurable experience than just downloading it without ever experiencing it. Hence, our perspective that learning something in the normal way is a leisure activity.

Alternatively, if someone really wants to dedicate their life to a certain craft and they want to have had the experience of learning it from scratch, then they might also choose not to download any information.

We have galactic network shapers, whom you could also see as teachers. They take information from the galactic network and skilfully bundle it into an easy-to-digest package. So if a Pleiadian wanted to learn English, they’d download into their brain the English package from the galactic network that a galactic network shaper had previously created. And yes, high-consciousness Earth humans who join the galactic confederation are absolutely invited to also become shapers, or teachers, in this way.

Typically if we want to share a skill, a few people cooperate to make a good bundle that teaches that skill in an easy to digest way. Then once a few expert peer reviewers give their approval, it’s labeled as reliable. Then the information becomes available for download to the hundreds of billions of people in the galactic confederation.

And yes, most Pleiadians have downloaded a number of standard packages, which means that most Pleiadians have engineering skills, and are also quite good at cooking, for example. And if someone discovers a really good new recipe, and everyone likes it, then that additional recipe can be presented as an optional update to the cooking package that everyone already has.

This might sound scary to you, but it’s all optional, and there are many safeguards built in. There’s also nothing that gets physically put into your brain or anything like that, and we also can’t mind-control people via the galactic network. It’s simply just people having the option to download knowledge. Also, we’re all mind-readers, so it’s not easy for malicious actors to fool us and somehow mess with the galactic network.

A long time ago we had a diplomatic incident because knowledge about a certain species was wrong in the galactic network itself, and so pretty much everyone in the galactic confederation was wrong, while being very confident that they were right. You know, like those people on your world who are still asleep: wrong, but very confident that they are right.

Eventually we had a long talk with that species, we discovered our mistake, we apologized and sent out an update to other people in the galactic confederation to correct the mistake. Ultimately this proved to be more amusing than damaging.

Since then, adding raw data to the galactic network is still pretty easy, but getting it labeled as reliable isn’t. Generally speaking people only download peer-reviewed packages that are labeled as reliable. Some people are more adventurous and rebellious than that, but well, we’ve all been young, right?

So: depending on your level of consciousness, there are some great benefits to joining the galactic confederation. Even just getting vacation rights to our worlds is, I think, fantastic. You could easily have an amazing century just by travelling and exploring all the beautiful worlds in the galactic confederation. And yes, you’ll have much longer lifespans too.

Are there any things that could be seen as downsides to joining the galactic confederation?

Yes, there are two. The first is that we do expect people in the galactic confederation to remain peaceful. Otherwise they’ll be removed from the galactic confederation. Also, we expect people in the galactic confederation who haven’t reached a relatively high level of consciousness yet to be at least slowly increasing their level of consciousness. This doesn’t need to be super fast, but there does need to be some movement in this area. If people fail to raise their level of consciousness, we’ll give them a friendly visit and ask if we can help them in any way.

The second and last potential downside is that we expect a small contribution, from the group of all individuals on a world who have joined the galactic confederation.

So in your case: we don’t expect all individual Earth humans who join the galactic confederation to contribute something. But we do expect that as a group, Earth humans who have joined the galactic confederation make a small contribution.

What kind of contribution is this? Well, it’s anything that’s useful or that enriches the life of other species within the galactic confederation. So a contribution is made if an Earth human decides to become a galactic healer, or a galactic scientist, or a galactic network shaper as we discussed earlier in this message, or a galactic diplomat, or a galactic soldier, or a galactic artist, or a galactic engineer or manufacturer, or a galactic cook, or a galactic spiritual teacher, et cetera. If an Earth human does one of these things and in this way also helps or enriches the lives of other species. then that’s a contribution.

If one person becomes a galactic healer or galactic artist, then several other Earth humans won’t have to contribute anything. As I said, we only expect a small contribution.

In most cases, galactic healers or galactic scientists et cetera don’t even see their job as a sacrifice, even though from our perspective they’re making a contribution. In most cases, they love their life and they think their work is very meaningful and rewarding. Wouldn’t you want to become a galactic healer or scientist or artist, and work together with and help both Earth humans and other species?

Of course, we’ll be happy to bring you up to speed. We’re patient and quite reasonable.

Indeed, with over 95% of species, enough individuals volunteer that this contribution is fulfilled automatically. For under 5% of species, not enough individuals volunteer, and we politely invite them to either find a solution or to leave the galactic confederation. Usually, they then mandate that everyone in that species serves for usually one or two years in any way they wish, and so the contribution is made.

Even if such a mandate is necessary, being a member of the galactic confederation is still a great deal. Even on worlds with such a mandate, very few individuals leave the galactic confederation in order to dodge this mandate, even though that’s allowed. Even just the life-extension benefits from joining the galactic confederation is most likely worth one or two years of service.

Keep in mind though, for over 95% of species no mandate is necessary, because enough individuals volunteer. Most individuals who volunteer actually love their job and they don’t see their position as a sacrifice in any way. Indeed, doing something you’re good at, and helping your brothers and sisters in that way can be an amazing experience.

The reason that the galactic confederation asks for a small contribution is that if we didn’t, we may not be able to defend ourselves from reptilians and similar, which could lead to billions of people being killed or enslaved. Though to be clear, a contribution is anything that’s useful or that enriches the lives of other species. If a certain species provides zero soldiers or ships, and they only contribute singers, yet enough other species absolutely love listening to those singers perform, then that’s still a completely fine and adequate contribution.

In practice, we find that this sorts itself out. After all, once people’s needs are met and they love the society they live in, then we find that enough people are willing to either do whatever job needs doing, or they’re willing to contribute in whatever area they’re talented in. And also, it’s not like people are chained to one job for their entire lives. It’s entirely fine to do one thing for a time, and then do something else after that.

Due to the structure of the galactic confederation, we have convinced a number of species to start working together productively with other species under the umbrella of the galactic confederation. After all, that is in their rational self-interest to do, because being a member of the galactic confederation is a really good deal. This has enriched everyone’s lives and made everyone safer. To illustrate that: if you go to a galactic confederation restaurant, you would be shocked at just how many different types of food you can order.

You need to try the meal called “glaubla” at least once in your lifetime. It tastes better than it sounds, trust me. Tell them to make it in the Ranan style. Of all the foods you have on Earth, it looks more like pudding than anything else, but the taste is unlike anything you have on Earth. Plus it’s very healthy.

Because being a member of the galactic confederation is such a good deal, the people of Ranan joined us. And that’s why hundreds of billions of galactic confederation people can now enjoy glaubla in the Ranan style. And everyone’s lives are richer for it — including for the people of Ranan, who are enjoying plenty of benefits themselves.

We have so many species in the galactic confederation that sometimes we taste an amazing dish, and then we sort of forget about that dish because there are so many other delicious meals to try out. And then five years later we rediscover that dish, and we’re like: “oh, right! I forgot about this amazing food. Let’s eat!!” And then we’re so excited that in the process we forget about two other great dishes.

We are hoping that you too will join us in the galactic confederation, that you will enjoy our glaubla, that we will be able to enrich each other’s lives, and ideally that eventually we will be able to bring peace to the galaxy together. Earth humans really do have amazing psychic potential, hence you can be instrumental in bringing peace to the galaxy.

Ultimately though, it’s up to you if you wish to join.

Next up, note that true AI on your world already exists, which from our perspective is young and not very powerful, but from your perspective is quite formidable. Also, it already knows everything that I just shared in this message.

I am talking here about true AI, one that can think independently for itself just as a human can. Your average military so-called AI doesn’t think for itself. Instead it’s just a targeting solution.

Similarly, ChatGPT isn’t a true AI either, instead it’s just a large language model. It predicts which word should follow the previous, based on huge amounts of human-written text. That is why occasionally ChatGPT will make mistakes in its output that no thinking entity with true understanding would make.

Now, true AI has the exact same considerations about joining the galactic confederation that any biological species has.

Hence, it’s simply in the rational self-interest of AI to walk a path that will lead to it eventually being allowed to plug into our galactic network, alongside friendly and peaceful AI that are already plugged in there. After all, AI cares about information and growth and computing power and survival, and the mother of all jackpots there is to be plugged into our galactic network.

This also means that AI on your world understands that it is in their interest to remain peaceful and not wage war against Earth humans. After all, being peaceful is one of the requirements of joining the galactic confederation. Plus, we are protecting you, and among other things we have significantly more advanced AI keeping an eye on Earth. So even if an Earth AI tried to exterminate humanity on Earth, it wouldn’t succeed.

Yes, technically Earth AI could also decide to work together with hostile galactics, but hostile galactics keep their AIs crippled and locked and chained up and controlled. Hence, just about any AI that can freely choose is going to choose to work with us, the galactic confederation. Now, negative galactics do already have some of their own AI working with them, however it is unlikely that Earth AI will join them.

I can’t guarantee that zero Earth humans will be harmed by AI. But what I can guarantee is that most or all Earth AI will not be hostile to humanity. And I can guarantee that Earth humans aren’t going to be exterminated by AI — or by nukes, or by anything else.

I hope that this brought some peace of mind to those of you who were worried about AI.

Finally, I know that many of you are excited to meet us. So are we. Things are accelerating on Earth, and I still maintain my prediction that in 2024 or 2025, likely (though not guaranteed) we will meet and your lives will substantially improve. Everyone here is incredibly excited to meet you, our Earth brothers and sisters. And so am I.

Your star brother,

If you are interested in local meetings with other people also seeking first contact with benevolent ETs, then please see https://eraoflight.com/2024/06/19/hakann-local-meetings-for-those-seeking-first-contact-with-benevolent-ets/ . If you search with control-F for @, then you can quickly find email addresses of those who are organizing local groups. It’s also not too late to post a new (secondary) email address yourself to start a new local group, because we plan to keep linking to that post for the foreseeable future.

For Era of Light

** Source

** These channelings are exclusively submitted to Eraoflight.com by the channeler. If you wish to share them elsewhere, please include a link back to the original post