Archangel Michael: Lion’s Gate

Archangel Michael: Lion’s Gate

Channel: Vania Rodriguez | Source


As you can all see, we are close to the Lion’s Gate. This portal will bring important and profound changes to the planet. It will be a great charge of Light and will bring a great awakening to humanity. The purpose of this portal is to take Gaia to a new timeline. The line that will lead to the execution of all the processes that are part of the ascension.

But as we have said: Do not expect fanfare. Do not expect news. Do not expect great disclosures. The Light works in silence. And everything is being done. When we speak of a great awakening, do not expect that everyone you pass on the street will be shouting: “The Light has won! The Light has won! I am Light! I have awakened!” No, do not expect that. The awakening of each human being is internal and silent.

When we talk about the great awakening, it means that each person has their share of understanding and wisdom to begin to see things in a different way. This does not mean that everyone will receive enough knowledge for you to sit down and have long conversations. Each person is receiving the Light in their own way and manner. Each person is receiving everything they need to see things in a different way. And each person is being tested so that they can choose between the wheat and the chaff.

So, when we talk about awakening, this is already happening. A great awakening means a great wave of Light, which will affect all consciousnesses. Bringing what? More consciousness. Bringing wisdom. Taking everything out from under the rug. Putting on our laps everything that many insist on not living, not looking at, not resolving.

Many will say that their lives have been turned upside down. I have heard this expression many times from you. But today I hope you have understood that it was necessary; that this change was necessary. So that you could learn a lot of things and take a stand in relation to others. So, each one will be living their own process.

It is not something that everyone will experience in the same way. Everyone has their share. Everyone has their own path. And everyone will follow it in their own way. But always reminding all of you of what was said yesterday, do nothing. Just be the Light on the path.

Let’s say that you are Lights on the path. But what is the path? There are several. And there is Light in all of them. So, what is the right path? The one that will take you to the point you want, whether it’s faster or not. In other words, there is no right path, there is no wrong path. There is a path ready for each one of us. There is a path planned for each one of us. Where obstacles will be there, but the path is illuminated, because you are illuminating them.

So, those obstacles, if looked at with love, will be easily overcome. You are not all on one path. Each one of you is on your own path. And it is illuminated because you are Beings of Light. You have become Pillars of Light.

But we can even say that some paths are shared. Some paths can be walked by other people. So, whoever comes after you can choose a path, but it won’t be you who calls them. They will have thousands of paths ahead of them and it will be their heart that chooses the right path, or not. It will depend on what they are ready to live.

So, just be Light. But what is most important at this moment is that you be a Light for yourselves. That you be Light to attract good decisions, to attract people who make a difference for the better and to remove those who are no longer worth keeping on the path. This is being Light. And with this, you are walking your own illuminated path. And each time a great wave like this one from this portal arrives, the Light within you increases. And it provokes more changes, provokes more decisions, provokes new paths, because it illuminates new paths.

And you will also make choices that, if followed wholeheartedly, will take you on short paths; otherwise, they will be longer paths. But they will all lead you to where you want to go: to evolution. So, it is up to each of you to make good choices today. So that the paths that present themselves will be the easiest, according to the choices you are making today.

So, always remember: Build tomorrow’s path with today’s walk. Because everything you build today will be on a path just ahead. Be it good or bad. So, take advantage of this great Portal, to effectively become Pillars of Light, ready to help those who come behind. But I would say that the posture will be to stand back; to be a Pillar and just illuminate.

Not seeing who is coming. Not opening your arms, not pointing the way. Because whoever comes behind will choose a path to follow. They will choose the Pillar formed by one of you. And they will follow the path. And you will not even know who it was. If you are in front, you can judge, you can stop, you can extinguish your Light so that that person does not follow the path. Yes, this is part of the ego, which many still cultivate.

So, just be Pillars of Light. Don’t look at who comes. Just be the Light on the path. Then many ask: “What does it mean to be the Light on the path?” Just be. Be a being that everyone can observe and want to imitate. Imitate your kindness, your calmness, your compromise, your way of acting and thinking, the love that you emanate. This is being Light on the path. And that person will observe this and will see: “I want to be like that.” And they will come closer to you. But you will do nothing. You will just continue being Light. And they will just observe you.

She may even follow in your footsteps, but you didn’t induce her to do so. She made a choice to follow in your footsteps. This is being a Pillar of Light, that is, being the Light on the path. It is being the example. It is being the one that everyone will want to be. It is being the one that everyone will make you want to be. But without taking any action. Without holding rallies. Without making big explanations. Without trying to impose anything. Just being. That is, being a Being of Light and being Light on someone’s path.

And always remember: When someone asks: “Which path should I follow?” Go to your heart and ask: “Ah, but I don’t know how to do that.” “Ask for help from those who protect you. And you will know how to do it.” And believe me, all the masters of Souls are ready to help everyone find the path. They just need to want to find their masters and the path.

So, be Pillars of Light, without looking at who. Without looking at who comes behind. Just light the way. Always look ahead, at your path, not at who comes behind. The more enlightened you are, the more the paths ahead become illuminated. And you can clearly follow the right path. So, enjoy what will come ahead.

For the day of the portal, if possible, it is not mandatory; I would like you to buy a small flower pot or some foliage; it should be a plant that is in the ground. It has to be small, because this will be placed inside a mandala that will be built soon. So do not buy huge pots, because they will not fit. Do not try to do…, “Ah, I will buy the size I want!” So, do not do it. I prefer that you do not do it at all.

You need to learn that many things have a meaning and it is not how you want it to be, it is how it is. So it is a small pot; the smallest you can make. It is a small pot. It has a being planted in the earth, to represent the earth element. It can be anything: a flower, a leaf; anything that is planted in the earth, in a small pot. It is not the size here that matters. It is the element that is there, which is the earth element.

In addition to this vase, I need you to buy those little candles. It’s that small round candle. I think everyone understands. The glass can be any. But if you want to buy a new glass, feel free. I’ll explain how it will be done.

You will receive a circular mandala containing the four elements. You will place the vase inside this mandala, the glass with water and the candle will be lit inside the glass with water. It will float on the water. And the entire ritual will be done during the portal. I am letting you know today so that you have time to buy it. Also, buy an incense, which will represent the air element. Any incense; whatever you are used to. The ones with sticks.

So that’s what you need to have for the portal. But remember, if you can’t, just bring a glass of water. Everything will be fine. You will still be able to participate, because the mandala will be free. At least bring a glass of water.

So, my brothers, I am giving you plenty of advance notice. Our portal will be on 8/8. So, just be ready. We will do my live on the day of the Portal. Not on Wednesday. It will be on Thursday, on the day of the Portal. And follow what will be published next week, because we will be working together with the dragons, with the elements. Just follow.

There will be 4 meditations that you will do to prepare you for this Portal. So pay attention to what has been said here, so that you do not end up asking what has just been said. It is all very simple and very clear. Listen as many times as necessary to understand everything. Do not ask anyone else.

So now I’m going to do the opposite. I’m going to ask you not to answer questions about what was said here. So that people learn to listen. Learn to take the trouble to understand what is being said. It’s very easy…, “Oh, there’s going to be a job for the Portal. Oh, what do I need?” No. Listen to the video? Listen to the instructions, please. Don’t answer. While you answer, don’t think you’re helping a brother. You’re not. You’re leaving him in the hammock drinking juice. While you’re listening, in a clear and clear tone.

So, don’t answer, this is a request I make to you. “We can’t answer. Listen to the video.” That will be the answer. “Michael asked us not to answer. Listen to the video.” That’s it. It’s over. If you don’t want to listen to the video, don’t listen to it, you won’t participate in anything. Do you understand? At this moment, each person must take the reins of their own journey. Each person must light their own path. It’s not about taking someone else’s Light to light your path.

Each one will have to light their own path.

So, my brothers, participate in what will be shared next week and the mandala will be available soon. And believe me, a lot of Light will come. And it will be important that you are ready to receive it and take advantage of everything that will come with it.