Message of The Day

“Many of you have asked, ‘So what are these Cities of Light, these crystal cities of the future, these places of peace and harmony where love prevails?’ That is why they are called Cities of Light for you could make this interchangeable and call them Cities of Love. It is where we all walk freely.
How we have come to exist, and the reason why, is important for each one of you to understand. The reason why we exist is because of the choices you are making right now and that you ave been for several decades. You have chosen to go on and to anchor new realities and new dimensional realities within the 3rd dimension so the 3rd can be an expanded experience.
We are you. We are your future selves. When you continue, we continue. And when you give up, our light fades. We have not witnessed any of you giving up, quite the contrary. You are truly the visionaries.” Zen Zuriah