Archangel Zadkiel: Shining Your Light Brightly

Archangel Zadkiel: Shining Your Light Brightly

Channel: Linda Robinson | Source

Greetings Beloved Ones,

WE ARE Archangels Amethyst and Zadkiel, and we greet you with Love. Today, we wish to discuss shining your Light brightly.

You are a beautiful Being of Light. You carry within you a bright beacon of Light that transcends the ages. It has always been who you are.

With the incoming energies, shining your Light brightly is more important than ever. You can serve as a lighthouse and a beacon to many who are seeking to find their way.

You are a beacon of hope and inspiration. Because you are aware of your direct connection to Source, you carry a strong energy of hope and inspiration. You carry an energy that transcends the third-dimension perspective. Your energy is of a higher dimension.

At this higher level your energy carries a quality of clarity. It is pure and clear. It transmutes clouded perspectives and allows you to perceive with clarity the presenting energy. With this clarity you can determine your own direction.

When this occurs, you transmit this perspective to others. You clear the energy so that others can see clearly and make their own decisions according to their perspective. You are not seeking to influence. You are merely clearing the energy of any impurities.

Having a clear energy field is very important for humanity as it moves forward on the ascension path.

To be part of this process, it is very important to keep your own energy field and Light clear.

There are several ways you may wish to consider to maintain this clarity.

The first is to remember that you are part of the great Oneness. All of Creation is part of Source. Each part of Creation contains a Spark of the Divine. This establishes a common bond with each Being.

This awareness leads to a desire for highest good for all. You want the best for all of humanity.

At this level you have great clarity and empathy. You can more easily release resentments and differences and practice forgiveness. You realize that this not only clears your own energy field but also that of the collective because All Is One. There is no separation of energy. What affects one affects all.

With this awareness the feeling of Divine Love allows you to release any feelings of separation and to embrace Oneness.

You begin to focus on the ways that all Beings are alike rather than on differences. You realize that all Beings want to be loved, understood, and appreciated. It is all encompassed in Divine Love.

The more you focus on Divine Love, the higher your frequency will rise and the more brightly your Light will shine.

You may wish to spend some time each day focusing on your heart center. Feel the Love in your Divine Spark. As you rest in this energy, the Love permeates every part of your Being. Each cell is radiating pure Light. As you continue to focus on it, your Light will increase in brilliance.

This allows you to be a beacon of hope wherever you are. You can be a source of encouragement and calm simply by shining your Light.

It encourages those around you, and it ripples throughout the multidimensions.

You are helping all of Creation to rise to a higher level.

Beloveds, we are happy that you are shining your Light brightly,

Know that you are greatly loved.

WE ARE Archangels Amethyst and Zadkiel,

…and WE surround you with Love.

And so it is.