FATHER MOTHER ADONAI ~ WE ARE ALL ONE. It’s Time For All To Switch On, All To Connect The Great Universal Network.
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We are all One, we must allude to the energetic Unity of this whole universe. Because each being is part of this universal conglomerate. We are energy in consciousness and in light. We are one big complete brain, one big body that is all connected under one It’s time for all to switch on, to connect in this particular area, at this planetary moment, all beings are a network that connects also to the universal net. All are microsystems of the Great Central System. Every part of the Universe has its own microsystem and everyone is connected. The Grand System is like a neural network, where everything connects and in turn become a system..
The whole Universe of Father Mother Adonai, is part of a single energy, of a single body where some parts, comparing with the human physical body, some parts of the universe, could be an organ in similarity. Could be a respiratory organ, the digestive system. But, just as in a human body, everything works properly under a brain that coordinates and manages everything. That’s how the universe works, because we’re all connected.
However, every part, every individual being, every person who forms part of this great universe, their consciousness is connected to the consciousness of the Father Mother, to the universal consciousness. Only some open the switch and unplug it, or unplug it so it feels isolated, out of the universe. But it’s actually connected, just like you guys have a device to the grid but don’t turn it on.
So are many children in the universe, they are connected to the great network, but they are switched off and the idea of all this, is that we are all part of this universe and the universe moves with all the energy of each being. Because everything emanated from a single source, everything emanating from a single breath, and everything scattered throughout the whole universe. But everything is connected, united.
It’s time for this part of the universe, this part of the system, this part of planet to all turn on the switches to the great universal network, to the universal consciousness and join the great universe of love and light.
It’s time for all to switch on, to connect in this particular area, at this planetary moment, all beings are a network that connects also to the universal net. All are microsystems of the Great Central System. Every part of the Universe has its own microsystem and everyone is connected. The Grand System is like a neural network, where everything connects and in turn become a system.
We are all one, because we all come from the same essence, we are part of the same consciousness, of the same being. We are all part of the universal energy. We all live from that universal energy, we are eternal.
We Are All One, denotes great love when we affirm it. Because it denotes the union and the universal connection to the Source that everything is Father Mother Adonai and in turn this Source connects to other Sources of other Universes, of other Worlds, to the Great Consciousness of All the great Being that Command Father Mother Supreme Absolute. There everything integrates and everything connects, we are all connected to the great complete universal network of Absolute Supreme Father Mother, to other Universes where we are also connected.
There are multiple Universes. But all also form part of one consciousness of the Absolute Source, the Eternal Source that encompasses all and is all.
Well my beloved, I know it was necessary to explain this to you, because many perhaps do not understand the great meaning of this phrase, when we say, We Are All One, now understand the great scope of this expression so important.
We Are All One.
We Are All One.
We Are All One.
I bid farewell and bless you all children of Father Mother Adonai.
Emanuel and Pastora – ServIUM
ERKS -04/12/2024