Message of The Day

“You are aware that you want to have the thoughts that are what you would call more positive, but we would say are of a different frequency. Know how powerful these thoughts are. For each thought you have finds other thoughts that are of the same vibration and they form together to create a reality.
That is why we ask you to have thoughts that are based on love, thoughts that are coming from your heart, and yes, thoughts can come from your heart beloved. Thoughts from the heart spread out and form waves and waves of rainbow light. They form their own grids, they form their own worlds, they form their own universes.
So what are your thoughts? What are your thoughts before they are laced with emotion? Be cognizant of them, be aware of them, be careful with them. The thought is as powerful as a word, for power is given to a thought, and when you add the emotion to it, it becomes even more powerful.” Archangel Gabrielle (channeled by Genoveva Coyle)