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The Phoenix Ship is the Ship that has been commissioned with the help of the Intraterrestrial City and through other Ships they have been in charge of carrying out a great cleaning in all these ERKS Valleys. We have already told you that this entire area has to change its configuration.
This is an area highly coveted by negative forces. Negative beings come to do work in these Valleys. All this energy remains in the environment. Even though the positive beings of light, of love and light are many. Many times they neglect to help and clean this entire space, to work on the liberation and continuous cleaning of the entire surface of the City in all the Valleys of ERKS.
We have worked from the Phoenix Ship Star Command to help make this great cleansing with all the energy through the Lightning Bolts in all the Valleys. The one who was able to observe saw the great magnitude of all this energy deployed to cleanse and remove all the negative. We clean and they keep coming. Dark beings have settled in the area, in the Chapel and in its surroundings. We have already monitored and fenced them.
The brothers of the Intraterrestrial City help us. The brothers of the Cancel, the Urmah Warriors of Sirius and Orion, the entire Ashtar Command and the Intergalactic Command, all participated in this great cleansing.
Capilla was already entering again in a low frequency, they had already lowered its frequency.
I always say to all those who visit emblematic sites, not only Capilla del Monte, but also to all the Emblematic Sites where the dark forces take advantage to pass through the forces of light, to deceive and obtain benefits.
I call upon all beings of light to visit these places, such as Mount Shasta, Capilla de Monte, all areas in Mexico Teotihuacan, the Pyramids of the Mayan Riviera, Egypt and all those emblematic places for light.
Become aware, for not everyone is really working for the light. You have to be constantly aware. From here we see in our monitors the energy and density of the places and we have realized the bad influence of all these soulless people who circulate, who visit and abuse the credibility of people, of the beings of light looking for energy, looking for help, healing and seeking to connect with the part of the spiritual world and are deceived many times.
Capilla has always been very attacked by the issue of the Intraterrestrial City and that is why we have carried out this great and deep cleaning and other even more intense ones are coming. We tell all the inhabitants of this entire area to prepare, because there is going to be a great cleaning to the last corners to finish dislodging all these negative energies. We also tell the inhabitants not to give room to phenomenal situations that induce them to take them..
Remember that you should always not look outwards but inwards. The energy of the Intraterrestrial city reaches the surface, it is a very intense, very powerful energy of high vibration and attracts the attention of many.
Our brothers in the ships also attract many beings interested in the UFO phenomenon, they simply come out of curiosity to see, to experience. But let everyone be clear and not confused, feel the energy of the people.
Recently, a being who pretends to be a well-known light arrived in Capilla. Their presence has been very negative for the area. We don’t give them their name so they don’t get into conflict. But feel, perceive the energy of this being and you will realize.
Light beings internally have to learn to perceive with their own heart, who is and who is not authentic, who tries to deceive them, to sell them opportunities, make them feel with their great eloquence.
Beloveds, I say to all of you, always work to clean, to send a lot of light to all areas of Capilla and its surroundings. In your daily meditations send a lot of light to this whole area.
Remember that here in this center, on this axis, the New Christ Humanity will be started. Not in vain all these lurkers are around all the time.
I’m saying goodbye.
I am Commander Antarel.
Emanuel and Pastora – ServIUM
ERKS -20/12/2025