Mira of the Pleiadian High Council: Representative

Mira of the Pleiadian High Council: Representatives of the Light

Channel: Valerie Donner | Source

Greetings, I am Mira from the Pleiadian High Council. I greet you today with a grateful and open, loving heart. You are doing such important work, ground crew. Thank you!

As you most likely are feeling, the spells that have been cast upon the Earth are being removed. They no longer apply and there is no power behind them. Those who are absent of light are also being removed. This is making a monumental difference with the energies of the Earth. There is a certain lightness most of you have not felt or remembered, yet you are beginning to feel it. This is truly a gift and the start of how you will feel living in the Golden Age.

Please continue to focus upon the lightness within. Feel it in your heart and radiate it with your thoughts, words and actions. You are becoming increasingly conscious vehicles for the use and purpose of the Light. You are the ascending ones.

Wherever you go, or whatever you do, you are representatives of the light. This is a big responsibility. We on the Earth Council are watching you with great favor. We monitor you and we know your challenges in maintaining this focus. We count on you.

We can say that some of you should reach out to others for support and reassurance during these times of great change. Hold the power of the light in your heart. Ignore anything or anyone who says something that creates doubts or fear. This is not of the light. The light is the fifth dimension and higher, and there is no fear. So if you need help reach out.

One of the signs of someone of lower frequency is that your energy begins to drop off. Your energy field just feels like it wants to go away, which is probably what you should do if you can. Otherwise, do not feed the negativity and do not fall into it. Some are trying to make the light doubt themselves but do not waver. You know your job and you know your heart. Stay there, not in your head, and do not let other peoples’ thoughts get into your head if they don’t resonate.

In the near future we will be sharing much more positivity and great information with you. We look forward to getting to know you, celebrating and having fun.

Thank you for doing all that you are doing and please know we love you dearly. I am Mira.