The Elders: Do You Know Enough?

The Elders: Do You Know Enough?

Channel: Robyn G Locke | Source

What do you know for sure, and what do you believe? How is it that you came to believe thus and such anyway? Do you know? Was it mentally inspired? You see, there is much that is believed today that simply cannot be. And there is no challenging that for it is held tightly and securely by your mind.


But we tell you that beliefs are a dicey deal. Beliefs say if you believe this, then you cannot believe that. And we suggest the things you have latched onto were mental considerations and not fully vetted to know whether or not these beliefs are of merit.

We will suggest that those things you have banked a lot of conviction on are not as you suppose them to be. Some we will say are such that there is not a possibility for their actuality to be considered valid or real. Consider this. Consider that you formulate much more utilizing a faulty foundation. And how can much of a higher measure move into play when not anchored upon a stronger foundation? There is no true substance or reliability there.

Do you recognize that misleading beliefs will lessen the knowingness from which a better pathway is to be? Know this. Know that more cannot be when limitations exist that you embrace. They will lead you to a dead-end reality. Release beliefs and begin again. Ask for more. Ask repeatedly. Ask here.


Now, might you consider reincarnation? Are you considering it in a big picture sort of way? Are you looking at it in a way of measure? Do you see that the reason you need to discover past lives is so that they hold value to why things are as they are? They cause to today to be as it is. Further, they allow you to understand more readily why something is adrift of what is. They allow the fuller measure to be known and realized by you. You see, there is so much that is not understood in this way, in this day.

Reincarnation is not of the value ego might suggest. Discovering a previously held grand life is something ego might crave. It is not routinely a significant thing to know. Ego loves the story and looks for what might be gratifying so there can be the puffing up and grand accomplishment suggested. This is of no real value. There is no intrinsic gain from posturing a discovery from an egoic stance. So release that.

Know that it is to discover what has been lost over time. It is that components were lost in that other time. That is the value of discovery here. It is to find that thing most necessary to know. It is then to enact a recovery of measure. For you see, you will enable a means of wholeness to be restored by reintegrating what is amiss and missing today.

Is There More?

And we will recalculate and formulate what we might do moving forward for more to become recognized as so many here on Earth have lost their way. They are simply not looking for a way out. It is because they believe this is all there is.

Yes, some may say they believe in reincarnation, but do they deeply know why this is so? Do they regurgitate teachings that allowed one or another to evolve from here yet do not know the inner understandings these others understood? Or do they believe they understand but do not truly know, for they are looking at the understandings through their mentalness rather than through their heart space? Or do they have components of false beliefs that they believe to be true that are not?

Do you see that when there is an understanding, and another translates what they believe the one to have said, do you see that often the true meaning is lost, and what is being conveyed is not as it once was?

And then another mental aspiration is formulated. And then there is another interpretation of that revelation, and then another until that revelation is no more. In this way, it has been lost over time. In time, it will mean quite literally the opposite of what was intended originally.

-Given in Love