FATHER MOTHER ADONAI NEBADON NEBADONIA ~ “My Beloved, I Tell You All, The Times Are Very Near”
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Beloved Emanuel and Pastora, beloved children of my heart, I am Father Mother Adonai Nebadon Nebadonia. I wanted to stop by to greet them, know that they are always in my heart, in my energy, in my feeling, in my conscience.
Extremely grateful for the work you do with Mahindra throughout this process, with all these beings, with all the patience and with all the love they do. Worthy, worthy to be praised, worthy to be imitated by other beings of light, so that the process moves faster from the different angles.
However, the scope that your meditations with Mahindra Madre have had, has been a wonderful thing and there I am with you always, supporting you, assisting you, giving you all the strength and energy that all these healing and activation processes require.
Remember that I dwell in all the hearts of the children of Father Mother Adonai. There I am in that consciousness in which we all connect and reconnect from our sacred heart.
I also wanted to tell you that the promotion process is going very well. Times have speeded up and we always told this from the start. That in the end of times would speed up. Now the process of ascension continues in accelerated steps.
A lot of energy is entering the planet from all directions, high-end high-frequency light energy. The idea of all this energy coming in, is to transport all those codes to release, to cleanse, to heal, to awaken all this humanity, to these beings who came and engaged and are now in a deep sleep.
But I’m happy, because he’s progressed a lot in the process of awakening. We demand those who have committed to come out and get involved. That’s why those energies are coming in and they’re coming to release all those memories, all that information accumulated there, recorded.
Father Mother Adonai assist you all in this time of this great awakening. Father Mother Adonai, assist them, help them.
Maybe for some it’s not so easy, they wake up, they ask questions, question and maybe they don’t know where to look for the answers, they don’t have a guide to the plan that helps them in their process of awakening and negative forces come and take it by storm.
That’s why it’s so important and I call all my children to reflection, the one who has awakened help the one who hasn’t, or the one in the process. Or the one who is awakened and has no direction and perhaps joined groups that have confused him even more. Groups that appear to be of light, but are part of the same story of the matrix that envelops them in their rites, in their ceremonies, in those doctrines, indoctrinate them.
Beloved, already this process is about to close, the inevitable ascension, the ascension there is no turning back, everything continues moving in that direction, in that unique timeline of the planet towards the new planet light that will be inhabited by awakened light humans who will pass to that new earth where they will share with love and light, with their stellar brothers, with the hierarchies, because they will already have Universal Citizenship and will access higher frequency levels.
Remember beloved, you are multidimensional beings. That’s their final design, they coexist in different dimensions at the same time. Let’s start clustering all the inferiors so they can access the new reality.
Let no one fear, let no one be afraid, everything that’s happening on the planet, everything obeys a bigger plan. Many talk about it being a product of technological tools that use negative forces. Maybe there will be part of it, but this process is cyclical and the planet needs to be liberated, it needs to be cleansed too, just as you clean yourselves.
All, all the elements have been activated, but all the Commandos, all the children, all the planetary, galactic hierarchies, all are attentive attending and helping in this process, who otherwise have done an exceptional job. They have evicted the vast majority of those negative forces, those negative entities that stalked the planet.
You already know my beloved, that already the planet feels in another frequency, in another vibration, but let no one take this for catastrophes, nor for disasters, they are cleanings that must occur, transmutations for the new earth to ascend, earth formed in its final structure.
All children prepare internally. Everyone does their internal work. Like I always tell you, work, work internally on liberating yourself, on healing, on activating. There is assistance, there is help. Mother Mahindra is pouring to help and lend a hand to all.
Beloved, I say unto you, the time is very near. All signs point to that we are already in this chapter of this earth, to expand into the new reality.
I love all the children of Father Mother Adonai, I love you infinitely and I do not want anyone, that none of my children is lost, but continue on the path of ascension, because that is the universal law for them to ascend and to continue evolution, but on the rise.
I bless you all. Get well, get active, the process needs you.
I am your Father and Mother Adonai Nebadon Nebadonia.
Emanuel and Pastora – ServIUM
ERKS – 21/10/2024