Message from Cetaceans via Galaxygirl, July 22nd, 2018

Cetaceans of Sirius B, Cetacean Beings 7/22/18
We are the Cetaceans of Sirius B. We welcome you, humanity to the higher frequency realms of light, of deep waters, of unconditional love. We whales see
We whales offer our gift of patience to humanity this day. We are slow, we are patient. We ride the tides. We drift and ponder and are very good at just being in the in
You are the
We whales show our joy in singing love songs to the Mother of All Things and to each other. We sing in codes, ancient codes of remembering that unlock certain frequencies of energies, of portals, which is how we travel from realm to realm, how we share our energies of wisdom and patience with the entire Cetacean collective. Singing also unlocks certain vibrations of joy and of deep remembering within the human DNA as well. We encourage you to sing, to create, to hum, for it unlocks even more joy and light codes within the matrix and within your personal vibratory being. Sing with us. Tap into our sounds, our songs of love for the Mother, who guides and protects, nurtures and restores. Create healing songs for the planet. Many of you will be guided to do this, for this is part of your covenant with the Mother, with Gaia, with all of creation within your own personal
Deep waters heal. They contain the All of experience. They are much like the void of creation;
Rest with us awhile here in the dark cool waters where all you can see is a reflection of your own musings and all you can hear is your heartbeat wielded with the heartbeat of creation, where all is calm, One. Such unity is all around you all the time if you but tap
Dive deeper here with us in the still waters of the black where all is calm and all you can hear is the whale song reverberating around you for miles as you are surrounded by your pod of friends and family all creating
We are the Cetacean beings.