Return to Your Inner Divinity

Return to Your Inner Divinity

Greetings! From heart to heart in this moment we speak, I am Kejraj!

Since there is life after death, which means you continue existing, breathing, living, what is death?

It is illusion. A lie invented to instill fear.

Since you are the Soul, and the Soul lives on, it/you are eternal, this means you are part of, not separate from that which you call God.

Where does punishment and hell come in? It does not exist. You cannot be punished, you simply experience what you have put out into the world. The Soul is indestructible and always loving. Only the ego likes to play the hate and fear games. Which by the way were taught to you, by society and religious institutions.

This is the time to let go of the old programming, or you will continue to suffer in vain. It is time to open up to higher truths.

The difference between spirituality and religion is that religion tells you its version of the ‘truth.’ Spirituality allows you to discover the truth on your own.

The foundation of religion is fear. The foundation of spirituality is freedom. Religion is believing someone else’s experience. Spirituality is having your own experience. Religion judges, rejects, and separates those with different beliefs. Spirituality accepts as it finds people, unites, and loves all. In religion, God is outside of you. In spirituality God is within you.

I have morals without religion. I have love without religion. I have wisdom without religion. I have faith without religion. I believe in a Divine and unconditionally loving Creator, which I am One with, without religion. I wasn’t only born with all of these things, I eternally am all of this.

It is time to return to your inner divinity. Remembering the light essence of your being. As you open your heart and expand in consciousness, you start to see more of who you are in truth, and the Soul comes forth into your current reality, as you are guided back towards the realms of love.