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Greetings Emanuel and Pastora, I’m Father Zorra, I was commenting to Pastora, that internally I feel a concern for her. Agartha, the Underground City is pure light, there is no space for any negative community there. Agartha is of pure love and light, that there are other Underground cities that are of the dark forces is another matter, but they are not connected to Agartha.
Agartha is a nucleus of love, of light, it is a City of Light, this is how it works. Those who are in Agartha from lower dimensions, let’s call them, the 4th, 5th dimension to 7th, 8th and 9th coexist in Agartha. Everything is energy in these very higher dimensions.
There are many beings who are guides and mentors of this planet and this process. As well as at other levels, dimensional expressions are found according to the dimension, frequency and vibration of each dimensional range.
The underground nucleuses of negative forces, they have also taken refuge in underground cities, but they are not part of Agartha and I want that to be clear to everyone. There is no connection between the negative underterrestrial worlds and Agartha the City of Light, where are all their Guides, all the Light Beings who came to assist them in this great plan of Father Mother Adonai.
On the other hand, I also wanted to comment given the connection we have with respect to economic resources and the emissaries on the surface of Padre Zorra. There will be a connection that will get you those resources. We’ll show you the way to access them.
Keep in mind that you always count on the assistance of Father Zorra and his emissaries to obtain the resources they require.
I bless you Emanuel and Pastora and go forward. Always go forward with lots of strength, courage with lots of love, with lots of caution in everything you do.
Always remember that there are beings and persons who disagree with the divine plan and will seek to hinder their functions, their mission.
Protect everything, everything you do, try to work cautiously in silence, without much boasting. Resources will come to you, they will flow to you, but calm, calm without much showoff.
I bless them.
Saying goodbye to Emanuel and Pastora, always with us in our hearts.
From Agartha, I am Father Zorra.
Emanuel and Pastora – ServIUM
ERKS – 22/11/2024