Golden Age Messages from the Mastersthrough the founders of the Ascended Masters Mystery School Life After the EclipseSeptember 2017 ~ Part 1 The solar eclipse that took place on August 21st was truly an extraordinary opportunity for many awakened humans to expand their support of America’s true role in holding the Light for the Earth and all life upon her. The frequencies that came in with this eclipse will continue to be felt either consciously or unconsciously for a very long time, and out of this will spring new beginnings for many souls, not only in America but also across your world. The Creator’s Love and Light will continue to flood your Earth and all of humanity the more you stay aligned with your highest creative intentions and keep planting seeds of unconditional love. ~ Masters El Morya and Lady Miriam |
Your August solar eclipse has exponentially expanded each of your capacities to co-create your higher intentions with your Presence. During the eclipse everyone, whether they were aware of it or not, was literally awakening into more of their ancient agreement to align their souls with America’s great purpose, which is and has remained, to be a demonstration of a TRUE democracy. The Ascended Master Saint Germain assisted in setting this into motion by being present when the decision was being made to sign the Declaration of Independence. He materialized long enough to stand on a balcony during that vital moment and he declared aloud to those who were responsible for setting this document into motion: “sign that document”, which they all proceeded to do! To this day, Saint Germain remains linked with making sure that America fulfills her spiritual destiny as a living example of a TRUE democracy. This agreement includes supporting every soul’s contract to be actively instrumental in sending God’s Love and Light throughout the whole of the world. |
Your August eclipse presented to everyone, including those in the Ascended Realms, the opportunity to use its powerful energies to empower each one’s connection to their Divine Crystalline Blueprint. The more established this connection becomes, the more spiritual clarity and a truly expanded sense of purpose will fill the mind, heart and body of every soul. This eclipse, which took place from the west to the east coast of your United States created such a powerful stream of light that it also opened an ancient portal within the Earth that is so vast and wide that its effects will eventually be felt by the whole of the planet. The opening of this portal literally marks the end of humanity’s dependency on separation consciousness. The old fear-based paradigms that have been in effect for over 14,000 years are quickly losing their momentum and soon you will see their full collapse. Your August eclipse has also heralded the arrival of many blessed and Divinely charged energies that are already being used to nourish the Divine Crystalline Blueprint of all souls who are on your Earth, plus those who are still to come. This will also assist in catapulting all who have chosen to ascend with the Earth into a place where they can now be assisted beyond their imagining. Many of these energies that have been latent both within and upon your planet are now being released through many previously dormant portals. |
The more you expand your spiritual intuition, the more you will be able to sense what it takes to support the Christed threshold on which you are now standing. Your August eclipse also marked an unparalleled turning point aimed at supporting your creations so you might accomplish what had previously seemed impossible. It is now more important than ever to keep expressing gratitude and humility and to exercise your true mastery under ALL circumstances. The conscious and constant practice of peace, serenity and calm will allow for the greater recognition of the Will of God, or ideas of God, to be called into manifestation, instead of the passing whims and fancies of the ego. Because of the unprecedented times you are now entering, focusing on your ascension into the mastery and Christ Consciousness of your God Self is of utmost importance. from Kamala Everett and Sharon Rose |
Ascension Coaching Certification TrainingA 3-Month Online ProgramFor more information, click HERE The Courses to Walk the Earth as a Living Master have been designed by the Ascended Masters to assist you in embodying the Presence and living in freedom and abundance. To learn more about the other Courses and Teachers Trainings, go to: www. |
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