Everything is Realigning

Everything is Realigning

Greetings to You! Kejraj here!

Everything is realigning for the experiences of a new realm.

Through the shift in energy, focus, thought, belief, things are being positioned so that each soul on Earth will get to be a part of a new reality, whether it be 4D or 5D.

The timelines and versions of reality which existed ten, twenty, or even fifty years ago, are no longer an option.

Whatever it is that you are doing at this time, whether it be opening up to something greater, or fearing the collapse of the matrix, one way or another you are contributing to the bringing about of a new reality.

So we say to you, since the old ways of being are off the able, and no longer an option, why not open your heart, let go of fear, strengthen your trust in the Divine, and go for the miracle that is being offered to you now. A Fifth Dimensional reality, of true love and freedom, and no limit to growth and exploration.

All the light to You!