Higher Self and Lumerian Crystal Collective via Galaxygirl, June 9th, 2018

Higher Self and Lumerian Crystal Collective 6/9/18
In the days of Lumeria, where Source light danced among the people and their hearts were open to great truths of love, of light and of new beginnings, it was a simple truth to understand, to acknowledge one’s own connection with Source. After the fall this was not so much the case as consciousness was dimmed, limited, so that the experiment of rending of worlds, of dross, of darkness, could be fully experienced. After cycles of thousands and thousands of
If you are reading these words it is highly likely that you were a part of this from the beginning of the time war, from the beginning of this realm,
I am your Lumerian seed crystal and my energy pulse beats with that of your own heartbeat and it thrills us to be connecting with humanity again in this way, for we have missed working with our human friends. We crystals are very eager, very eager! – to share our knowledge and become reprogrammed in the ways of light, for the darkness holds no interest to us and we wish only to serve the light and the mother of all things, which is to us precious Gaia. We are working with her eagerly in her ascension and with your own, should you allow us.
We are the Lumerian seed crystals and we are connecting with your atoms, with your vibe as you say and cleaning and clearing your auras should you allow us to do so, and we hope that you do. We are friendly and eager to work with our humans again. For in the days of Lumeria you were masters who knew your jobs and did them effortlessly it seemed to us. For it was natural for you to work with us, with the kingdoms of the mother and to be filled with her breath so that all was
It is time now to learn new lessons of light, of love and of grid keeping, forming, restructuring the grid lines of Nova Gaia. Allow us to help you with this for we are all lined up underground pulsing with delight just waiting for your word, human friends. Intend to connect with Nova Gaia’s crystalline structure and we will respond! We have already responded, as we are providing this clarion call to the light and for our truly talented human friends to jump up and run with this message in pure delight of remembering your Lumerian roots,