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I am Sananda and I am accompanied as always by my Consort Lady Nada. I wanted to bring you a message this morning, a message of union, a message of unity as always I have urged you, I have called you to unity, to unite as one being, in one goal, to unite in love, because we are all one. We are all integrated, we are all important.
In the days of Yeshua I was telling them, I was setting them the example of the shepherd with his sheep. However, my sheep have grown so much that they are now up to being a shepherd too, and have their own folds.
I call all those advanced sheep to work on cohesion, on unity, on harmony. In union is strength my beloved, we need to be united, because the opposite side seeks to divide us, it has always sought division, because we know that in division one gets weak. Divide and you shall conquer, they themselves have popularized this saying divide and you shall conquer.
I tell you my beloved, unite and we will overcome. Let’s all unite in the primary goal we all have now, which is this process of ascension. This is the goal of all beings we are now on the planet on mission of service. The goal, the goal, is this process of ascension that is achieved, but we have to push everyone, all in the same direction. All united, cohesion, in union is strength.
That nobody, that nobody, that nobody believes himself more than another. Just help, attend the group. Be the guide to that fold that is already able to sustain itself. And united all, all in a big network, let’s push, push the advancement of this process of ascension.
Beloveds this was the message I didn’t want to let it go and I always call you to unity. Unite, leave egos, leave prejudices, be true children of the light of Father Mother Adonai. Be true standards, pillars of this process.
We will reach the goal if unity persists, leaving behind personal interests, egos. There are no protagonists my beloved, we are all in this special moment the planet lives, supporting this great plan of Father Mother Adonai.
We love you we bless you all great wonderful sheep of Father Mother. Let’s come together, unity, unity among all.
We say goodbye, I am Sananda and Lady Nada.
Emanuel and Pastora – ServIUM
ERKS – 4/11/2024