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Greetings Emanuel and Pastora, I am Ashtar Sheran, Inverential Peace, I greet you from my heart to your heart. I just passed by to leave you a short update, because the planetary situation is quite, quite unstable. Not long my beloved, because we are already anticipating the Victory of Light.
Let no one despair, let no one lose faith, because we have released this great battle and we are winning it. The frequency of the planet is very light, product has been increased that has been evicted from the planet to much dark force. The planet breathes, breathes Victory air. And don’t worry about the rumors of war, about those rumors of the dark elite, who are still in power for a short time.
Those who are in power will be for a very short time. We’ve already dismantled almost, almost all of their dens. They’re looking to run away, they’re wanting to settle on the bases of Mars, on the bases on the moon. But it won’t be possible, because everything is being taken by the Galactic Federation, by us, by the light. So many are disintegrating, fading away.
The planetary frequency is at pretty high values. Only a few puppets left we are going for them. All their misdeeds will be brought to the public.
Everything is very close now beloved, keep faith, keep consistency in your inner work, keep healing, keep raising your frequency. The awakening that humanity has had in this year. The year 2024 has been a great year, a year where many beings woke up. There are numerous beings awakening and that helps the planet raise its frequency. More and more beings are entering the real knowledge, in the reality of this world.
The financial part of the planet is now practically in the hands of light. The system they call quantum, QFS is in operation and we are restricting their fraudulent operations to the entire corrupt elite. The audits of the shameless central banks are already being started. QFS Quantum System will soon be available to all people. The other systems are all collapsing also.
The part of medicine, allopathic medicine, is also about to be replaced by integrative medicine, integral medicine.
Beloved, feel the powerful energy with what we are helping you, with all the Commands. If you could see what the sky looks like. The Ships are already being seen all over the planet openly and we’re on touch, just give us GO to start. Give us permission to start the process already. Even as I have told you in other occasions, we have infiltrators, we are everywhere in every institution and in every system of the planet currently.
The forces of light are doing their job. The White Hats are getting close. But let no one be trusted, let everyone keep working. It’s important that everyone keeps preparing internally. Heal, activate, raise your frequency, because from one moment to the next you change all this reality for a new reality of love and light for the entire planet. The Golden Age is set in its fullness.
My beloved, Emanuel and Pastora, all, all be very optimistic, because we are about to crown. We already have them at Check Mate, they have nowhere to run.
I say goodbye with all my love always and attention to everyone. Pay attention to all signs my beloved, as we always say. The planetary situation is in its transmutation and there are always situations in countries that require a new reconfiguration in all those areas.
Dear ones, I am Ashtar Sheran. Inverential Peace.
Heart-to-heart hugs to all the children of Father Mother Adonai.
Emanuel and Pastora – ServIUM
ERKS -02/12/2024