The Arcturian Council via Daniel Scranton, 11 augusti, 2019
Shifting Slowly ∞The 9D Arcturian Council

Shifting Slowly ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are tremendously excited to be a part of this journey with all of you, you who are so heavily entrenched in your fourth dimensional ways. We want very much to pull you up into the fifth dimension, and yet, we also understand the value of you experiencing the slow, upward movement. Therefore, we are happy to gently nudge you and encourage you to come up into your version of the fifth dimension.
We salute you for having exactly what it takes to make that journey. You are beautiful beings of love and light, and you are there to experience yourselves as such, even though there is plenty of darkness and hate all around. It is, and has been, a challenge for you to stay focused on what is inside of you and what is whole and pure, but that is what will always feel best to you. You will never feel that you ultimately want to feel by striking down the enemy, the ones who operate in the dark.
You will always evolve and ascend when you recognize what is out there as also being inside of you, and when you take that approach to life, you open yourselves up to so much more. You don’t have to limit yourself or your experience, because you’re not building a bubble around yourself, and you’re not out there lowering your vibration in an attempt for some kind of justice. We are beings who evolved and ascended in a star system where most people live like your Tibetan monks. And so, we know firsthand how beneficial it is to go within, to feel, and to expand.
Of course, in our star system, we never faced the darkness in the way that you have or the way that the beings incarnating in the Orion Star System have, but we are the examples to all of you who want to come up and meet us in the happy place, the place of unconditional love, compassion, and forgiveness. They are the path to ascension, to the fifth dimension, and you are the ones doing the hard work and the heavy lifting.
We get to be the cheerleaders, and we know that at times you want to shake your fists at us and tell us how unfair that is, and we can accept that. We are not going to trade places with you, not right now, but trust us when we say that the next time around, you will be the cheerleaders, and we will be the ones in the lower dimensions, struggling with all the muck and mire of physical existence. We know that might not be of much solace to you right now, but we hope it helps.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”