Adama – Telos I – Chapter 12 – by Adama, July 10th, 2023
Adama – Telos I – Chapter 12 – by Adama
Dear brothers! I’M ADAMA!
Let’s continue our journey by commenting on chapter 12 of the book One of Telos.
This chapter tries to show you what it is to “go home”, what it is to go back to being the Divine and complete Being that one day you were here on Earth. Let’s understand the following: not all of you who live on the surface of the planet, came from outside; many souls who are here are souls of planet Earth, are souls created on this planet, for this planet. But there are a large number of souls who are here who come from other galaxies, from other worlds, external souls, stellar seeds that have come to help the growth of the population of this planet, bring technology, bring knowledge, help expand life.
For a long time this planet lived the Golden Age. There was peace, there was harmony, everything happened in an organized way and in the way God Father/Mother effectively created it to happen. But over time the consciences have been affected by not very enlightened ideas. But I’m not here to comment on this story. Only you need to understand that precisely because we give vent to these ideas, to these concepts of separation, to the concepts of superiority is that consciousness fell on this planet, fell to the Third Dimension.
Many wonder, if it was in Third Dimension how did we survive? At that moment there was a great evolution in the consciences of many. We can thus say that those who survived, in fact never let themselves be slaughtered, never let themselves be involved by the ideas that were planted on the planet; and these could indeed have the dispensation of God the Father/Mother to take shelter within the planet and evolve again, gradually, into the Fifth Dimension, which is the dimension in which we live today.
Trying to explain what dimension is is something very complex. I would say that you feel what is dimension within the heart, never with the mind. The mind will never bring them the answer to what it is, what it means and what it is to be within another dimension. You often experience moments in other dimensions. There is no time when you stay there and come back. Their bodies are always in Third Dimension. We can say that the Higher Self of each one brings the connection to the higher dimensions. It is as if he were the translator of what is said in a higher dimension for you who are here in the lower dimension.
So when we communicate with you, it is necessary for you to put yourself in a state of high consciousness so that the Higher Self can pass on our message to your mind. But it is not being in the Third Dimension, as you are all the time, and simply receiving our messages; you need to be vibrating in a high degree of consciousness for these connections to happen.
So let’s talk about feelings. Each feeling has a vibration, each feeling has an energy. The lower the feeling, the more this energy is contaminated, the more negative it becomes. Let’s put it this way, a body in balance: a body in balance is one that vibrates normally, it is a healthy body, with healthy ideas, with healthy words, healthy actions. This is a body in balance, within the Third Dimension.
But if this consciousness begins to live within some negative feelings, the vibration of this body also falls, because the feelings take away from that balance the energy they need to survive. Yes, feelings are energy and how energy exist, and in order for them to remain existing they need to suck the energy of those who are vibrating them, to keep them alive, happening. Remember, if you are sad and vibrate more and more sadness, more sadness you will have, and you will sink more and more. There is no limit because that feeling of sadness will suck more and more for you to feed it, more and more.
So people who vibrate low, does not mean that they are people who vibrate evil, no, they just let themselves be involved by negative feelings. Sadness affects itself, so it self-destructs. There are the feelings of low vibration that affect the other: anger, revenge, hatred. Then in addition to being absorbed your own body you still absorb the energy of the other, and with this the imbalance happens, you are sinking more and more. Trying to make a connection in these states is practically impossible. You may even think that you make connections, but it is the ego or low vibration beings who make themselves pass as Beings of Light to show you that everything is fine, that even if you vibrate low you keep listening to them. Pure lie. Being of Light noness consciously attaches to those who are vibrating low, this does not exist.
Now let’s say the opposite that body in balance is a body that nourishes more and more joy, that feeds well, that behaves well, it is a body that does everything to keep itself in balance, takes care of itself, takes care of its food, drinks a lot of water, it is a body that is vibrating high, and when it stop, to pray or So the Higher Self makes this connection between that being who is vibrating loudly and the Being of Light who wants to pass a message to him.
Often, the Higher Self itself raises the vibration of that being so that he can make this connection. So the etheric body of that being is elevated in dimension, in vibration, in energy, so that it can make this connection. So when you talk to a Being of Light or to a higher being, you do not leave the Third Dimension, a part of the aura yes, the etheric body moves to another dimension so that it can receive the message of the Being of Light. And that’s what happens.
So I’m going to bring all this that I explained to dimensions. That being who vibrates low, who worships these energies of low vibration, is in a dimension of its own, within the Third Dimension itself. We can say that the Third Dimension has many layers. Imagine yourself in a large circle and inside it many other circles, and you in the middle. So you keep jumping from one circle to another all the time. The lower you vibrate, the more to the center you move, and this center is the total lack of vibration, it is that state in which you are totally involved by the shadows, because you vibrated so low that you are connecting with them, because they vibrate there in this range. Many feel comfortable there and end up forgetting that they are Beings of Light.
But the vast majority is jumping from the middle of this large circle to the end. When they reach the end, we can say that it is the limit of the Third Dimension in terms of vibration, they jump to another circle, to another large circle, which is composed of higher vibrations, which is the Fourth Dimension. Many of you today for having all the conscience you have, for vibrating Light, for vibrating more love in your hearts, are in this great circle of the Fourth dimension; you have already exceeded the energy limit of the Third.
Then I ask you: Do you feel anything different? Many will say no, that they feel identical, but many will say yes, that they perceive life in another way, that they perceive people in another way, that they no longer judge as they judged, that they have learned to understand people. So the more you gain these consciences, the more to the end of the Fourth Dimension you walk. So it’s as if each circle within these large circles were a range of vibration; vibration, energy. And many are heading to the edge of the Fourth Dimension where they will walk the Fifth Dimension.
When we were fully enlightened beings, we walked through these tracks quietly. It is often not that we would like to live the Third Dimension, but there was a lot in the Third Dimension that we no longer had in the Fifth. So we were going to Terceira to try them again. No, it wasn’t duality, it was physicality. At this time there was no duality in the Third Dimension, there was only physicality and we liked to feel that way. Today we don’t do that anymore, because we vibrate very loudly in relation to its Third Dimension. It would be highly incompatible with our feelings to return to the Third Dimension, but we move through the Fourth when we want. And in this way we can appear to many
So, my brothers, what are the differences between the dimensions? Your own vibration. The more you vibrate within the Unconditional Love, you vibrate within the positive thoughts, you vibrate within the care of your own body, balances with your own body, the more you go up on this energy scale, approaching the Fifth Dimension. And for this to happen there is also a change in their bodies. All the DNA filaments that once existed on this planet in the bodies will come back to you. You have not lost them, only energetically within the Third Dimension they do not exist, they vibrate in high dimensions.
So the more you evolve, the closer you get to the Fifth Dimension, the more these DNA will resurface, bringing a new body, bringing a new form of vibration of your own bodies. Understand, everything is a set, only consciousness does not take you to the Fifth Dimension; there must be the whole set acting on the same purpose of body, mind and soul. Body, knowing how to feed yourself, knowing how to keep you in balance; mind, always vibrating high, not letting feelings of low vibration be created, suck your energies; and soul, cleaning their souls from everything they have committed from infractions before the Universal Laws during this time.
So this meeting will allow you to reach the Fifth Dimension, and everything you were one day, stellar seeds, you will be again. And those who were never from the Fifth Dimension, who were born on this planet within the Third Dimension, will also be able to experience this, it will be their evolution. They all have this ability, although they have never lived the Fifth Dimension they will be able to get there, because they were all made for the same purpose. God Father/Mother didn’t separate anyone.
So my brothers, what needs to be done every moment? Vibrate Light, vibrate good feelings, vibrate a healthy body, vibrate a clean soul. This is the way. If you walk this path, soon, very soon, you will be here with us, because you will be allowed to come here and come back whenever you want, to do the path we make today to the Fourth Dimension. But for you it will be a little different: you will come to the Farm, you will stay here for a while and you will have to come back, because your bodies will not be fully ready yet. But it will already be allowed some time in the Fifth Dimension, but in body, not just in mind.
It will be very nice to welcome you here, it will be wonderful. And, little by little, you will be able to experience what lies ahead, but the most important thing is to take back the information and make the brothers believe in everything. This will be the role of many souls, it will be the role of many of you who are there today. I will not say how many there will be, but there will be many who will be able to come to be with us, spend time with us and return to their dimensions, as if by magic, but only having the experience; not just something that has passed in your consciousness, it will be something that has passed in your body, in your life.