Quan Yin: Connect with your Higher Self

Quan Yin: Connect with your Higher Self

Channel: Vania Rodriguez | Source

Dear brothers of planet Earth! I AM KWAN YIN!

I come with my white dragon, flapping its wings over this planet. Bringing peace, balance. And removing all pain and suffering.

At this moment, we are approaching a great portal. A portal of great value and importance for this time on the planet. You will be prepared day by day to pass through this portal.

It is important that you stay in balance during the coming week. Don’t do anything extravagant. Stay connected to the Divine Presence. Always stay present in the moment. So that you can fully take advantage of all the energy of this great portal.

The Light is fully upon the planet. The action of clearing the shadows continues. Much is happening. Do not wait to know. Do not wait to be communicated. Do not wait for it to be explained. Just believe. Just feel in your hearts that the process is underway.

Learn to feel. Learn to perceive. Nothing needs to be seen. Nothing needs to be said. It needs to be felt. Every movement that is being made. Many will be surprised by the course of events. Even some who are awake expect great events, expect spectacles, expect grand entrances. The Light does not show off. The Light only works. And it is working, within its balance, within peace, without bringing great alarms.

Many hearts are already in despair. Fear reigns over almost the entire planet. And I cannot say that this fear will diminish. Because increasingly, paradigms and beliefs will fall. Truths will emerge. Myths will be revealed within their essences.

As you would say, great scandals will happen. So that the human beings of the planet realize that there are no idols; there are no perfect ones. There is nothing, nor anyone, to be idolized. There are beings to be loved, but loved unconditionally. There are no exchanges. Much less with Beings of Light.

Each person will realize how much they have been deceived, misled, and tricked for so long. And it will be up to each person, within their faith, within their existence, to seek their own balance. To seek that God, who is within each person, through the Divine Spark, and ask for help. This will be the way. This will be the only way.

No one will bring the truth to your heart. Only God the Father/Mother will guide you on the path to your enlightenment, through your Higher Self, your Divine Presence. Those who are still unable to connect to the Higher Self, to their I Am, or to their Divine Presence, whatever the name, seek to do so. The moment is propitious. Believe in yourself. Believe that you are a little piece of God the Father/Mother. And as such, you have powers. Just believe in yourself. Believe in the strength that was given to you. In the powers that were given to you.

Just trust and let it happen. And you will see how this connection will happen, easily and peacefully. It is important that each one of us has this connection today. Because, as we have been saying for some time now, do not expect help from others; do not expect guidance from others. Listen to the guidance that will come from your soul, from your Higher Self. It will be the one that will guide you properly on the path. Learn this.

Each person is at a different point on the journey. And it may be that at the point where you are, there is no one close to you with the same vibration, to help you and keep you company. The journey is solitary. Your company is your Higher Self. No one else.