++++ Simon Petrus via Ann Dahlberg, Octo. 26, 2017

Simon Petrus via Ann Dahlberg, October 26th, 2017


Simon Petrus

Thursday, October 26, 2017

Channel: Ann Dahlberg


I am Simon Petrus and I have the key with me today – the key to your own heart’s portal. This key has several different meanings, but the most important is to your own heart. When you are in your heart and follow it all other things will be resolved. You have then started your magical journey. It is a journey that makes wonders happen – a journey that makes you happy and joyful. Solutions emerge as out of nowhere and you become overwhelmed by the good luck you have. However, luck has nothing to do with it in this game. It is your heart that is forming your world exactly according to how you want it. This is the magic of it all. The heart knows the way and finds all the time solutions on the path that you walk so that it is according to your innermost wishes. Your innermost wishes are now starting to appear at a more conscious level so that you and the heart can act better together. You need your mind to solve practical matters, but the heart needs to lead the way and have the emphasis you need in order to move forward now. See it as a journey into the world of magic. There is much that you can encounter and that you do not understand. Listen to your heart and you will know how to handle all that you encounter.

Light the light in your heart and let it burn and brighten up your life and you will walk on a safe path forward in your own development to become more conscious – conscious of yourself and conscious of others. Also, conscious of the world you live in, conscious of your own contribution in this world. It is by being in your heart that you become conscious of life and that you can exist on different levels regarding your understanding of yourself, others and the life you live. It is an exciting journey with many discoveries and different experiences.

The inner journey was the most exciting journey that I have experienced when I walked the Earth. It could be like a roller coaster with many thrilling experiences. You have been on this journey for a while now and what is most beautiful and magical lies just in front of you. Fill your heart with light now and you will soon see where to this magical journey takes you. There are many wonderful experiences that await you. Expect light and beautiful experiences and it will then become this that your heart will offer you. Your strong expectation of something positive happening will yield positive results. You are the grand creative creators of your own life and the surroundings that exist all around you. Let your heart guide you in your work. It knows, feels and understands your journey. The mind will come along for the ride and help where it can, that which it is best at.

I ask you now to hold your light high and to have a strong trust in your heart’s voice. It is in this way that you more easily can reach the goal that you so long have aimed for. Let go now of all worries and let the joy come forth instead. Try to find some joy in all that you do. Try to see everything with a magician’s eye. You can then transform all the grey and let the light and beautiful seep into your lives. There is always something to rejoice about – something that you like particularly well in your lives. Reinforce this feeling and increase that which you enjoy and think is fun. Fill yourselves with joy and light.

I believe in you. You are the great magicians that we send light to. You are right now on your way to transform a whole world to a more beautiful and brighter place to live in. I give you your key to the portal of your heart. Now, take good care of your hearts and the light that shines there.

Much love

Simon Petrus




Translator from Swedish to English: Per Staffan

Source: www.sananda.website

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