LORD SANAT KUMARA AND LADY VENUS ~ It Was Completed The Same Day Of The Re-adjustment, The Instruction Of All The Activated In The Spiritual High Schools Melchisedeck Of Venus.

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Greetings Emanuel and Pastora, I am Sanat Kumara of the Kumaras of Time, I am accompanied by my Divine Consort, my beloved Venus. I wanted to inform you that with this process of Activation, Re-adjustment and Recalibration. On this very day, the process for all activated on the Planet Venus was concluded. A school, a learning process, of deep teaching that we have at Venus schools for All souls, for all beings. In sleeping hours they were brought to these schools, there have already been several meetings, several sections.

All the team that completed this process of Reactivation and Re-adjustment, is already ready also in the processes that have been carried out on the Planet Venus. Instruction, preparation, knowledge, preparation for the times to come to the planet.

Teams have been set up for the Big Moment of the Event. Everyone has been prepared in precise instructions, in instructions that everyone will know what to do. They may not remember it, but internally when the time comes, they’ll do what they’re prepared to do.

They have received the highest Spiritual instruction from Melchisedeck Schools here on Venus. They are already internally fully prepared for the New Earth, for the upcoming events. He has everything engraved in his heart, when the time comes, everyone will remember and know, how to act, what to do. Other adjustments were also done here at the center of Venus.

Beloved Venus my Divine Consort, has helped them a lot in activating their abilities, their talents, their virtues. It has taught them a lot of energy management, it has taught them the importance of right thinking, right feeling and right acting, the right use of all energies, even sexual.

Well beloved, here we are all always on the lookout for these new groups that now begin activation, after they finish their process, we will be bringing them to Venus.

Everyone also knows, that Venus is included within the ascension process of this system, because the system as a whole, is feeling all the energy emanated from the sun and all the energy coming into the system, we are also involved in the process. But Venus operates in higher dimensions, therefore, energies do not affect us as they affect humans in dense third dimension bodies. We have already gone through these great processes and energies have another impact on our system and procedures.

Everything in the universe is evolution, that everyone continues a process, even, the whole solar system, all the planets that make up it are wrapped in that powerful energy. Because the sun radiates energy for everyone, for the whole system. Plasma, solar energy reaches all planets. That energy acts according to the vibration and dimension in which every planet, every human in this solar system is located.

Well my beloveds we said our goodbyes.

We are Sanat Kumara and Lady Venus.

Emanuel and Pastora – ServIUM

ERKS -4/2/2025

Ishtar Ashtar Adonai

Colleen S: Wow! I’ve had dreams that I’m a student and then a teacher